Process Flow UseCases

Problem Statement:

XYZ Electronics receives a large batch of orders every day. Each order contains multiple items, and these items need to be processed by different departments within the company - the Manufacturing Department, and the Shipping Department. To ensure efficiency, the company wants to split the order data into separate output files for each department.

Sample Data: Click here

Java Condition to be used: 

Boolean processRecord = (Boolean)context.get("processRecord"); if(processRecord == null) return false; else return processRecord;

Reference Video Link: How to Split Data in a Process Flow

Problem Statement:

ABC Retail is a large online retailer that sources products from various suppliers. Each supplier sends inventory updates in different formats (XML, JSON). The inventory management system at ABC Retail requires a consolidated file in a standardized format for accurate processing and reporting (Excel).

Sample Data: XML & JSON

Reference Video Link: Merge Multiple Source