Customer Engagement
Key Objectives
The objective of a Customer Engagement course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively engage and interact with customers, fostering strong, lasting relationships that drive business success. The course aims to:
Increase Client Satisfaction
Increase Client Loyalty
Keep Client Happy
Improve Client Experience
Value Client’s Opinion
Table Of Content
1. Meeting Preparation
1.1 Setting Up Meeting
I’m calling to ask if you’re available for a meeting on..?
Would you have time for a meeting later this week?
Are you able to attend our conference call on..?
2. Opening the Meeting
2.1 Opening the meeting
Thanks everyone for coming
Good morning/afternoon everyone
Perhaps we'd better get started / get down to business
If we’re all here, let’s begin / get started
Right then, I think it's about time we got started / going
Right then, I think we should begin
Let's get down to business, shall we?
Shall we start?
Hello/Hi everyone. Thanks for coming
Now that everyone’s here, let’s get started
Let’s begin
Thank you all for being here today
2.2 Summarizing the background
As you know…
I think most people know that...
Some days/months ago…
I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of the last meeting.
First, let’s go over the summary of last week’s meeting.
So, let me first give you a brief overview...
2.3 Stating the objectives
I’ve called this meeting in order to…
We’re here today to assess/discuss/evaluate…
The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss…
Our aim/purpose/goal during our meeting is…
I’ve called this meeting in order to…
By the end of this meeting I’d like some kind of decision on…
By the end of this meeting, we need to agree on…
What I’d like to present to you today is…
The subject/focus/topic/title of my presentation is…
In this session, I would like to concentrate on…
Today I’d like to give you an overview of…
Today’s topic is of particular interest to those of you who...
This session is particularly relevant to those of you who...
By the end of this talk you will be familiar with...
This morning I’m going to be talking to you about/ showing you how to deal with/ taking a look at the recent development in/ reporting on the results of…
The big / major / main question we've got to tackle/ consider/ talk about / discuss is …
The main objective of our meeting is…
We are here today to consider, firstly,... and, secondly, …
What I intend to do is describe to you/show you/tell you about…
2.4 Adding to the agenda
Is there anything else that needs to be discussed?
Would any of you like to add an item to the agenda?
Does anyone see any other points that need consideration?
3. Diving into the Meeting
3.1 Starting from Beginning
There are five items on our agenda. Let’s start from the beginning.
Let’s look at the first item on the agenda.
The first item on the agenda that we need to discuss today is…
Let’s look at the first item on the agenda.
First, let’s talk about…
My first point concerns…
Let’s begin with the first point here.
Who’d like to give us their point of view on the first question here?
3.2 Presenting the outline
I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.
In my presentation I’ll focus on three major issues.
We have organized this session in the following way:...
This presentation is structured as follows:...
This session will cover two current approaches on the topic …
I’ll end with
I’ll begin/start off by... Then I’ll move on to... Then/Next/After that, I’ll be looking at…
So, I’ll begin by filling you in on the background to/ bringing you up-to-date on/ giving you an overview of the history of/ making a few observations about/ outlining...
And then, I’ll go on to highlight what I see as the main points of/ put the situation into some kind of perspective/discuss in more depth the implications of/ take you through/make detailed recommendations regarding...
And finally, I’d like to address the problem of/to raise briefly the issue of…
Shall we take the points in that order?
I suggest we take item 2 last.
3.3 Timing
This should only last 20 minutes.
My presentation will take about 20 minutes
It will take about 20 minutes to cover these issues.
During the next 20 minutes we’ll be...
3.4 Adding facts/anecdotes/hooks
Did you know that… ? According to a new study…
Statistics show that…
I read somewhere the other day that…
You may have heard about…
Have you ever been in a situation where... ?
I remember when... It turned out that…
Suppose . . . . How would you . . . ?
Have you ever wondered why it is that . . . ? You have? Well, if I could show you . . . would you be interested?
How many of you have ever . . . ? Do you think that's possible?
3.5 Changing Topic - End of Section
I think that’s taken care of that item.
I think we should close that point and move on to...
Right, I think we’ve covered that. Let’s turn to...
Let’s close / finish / wrap it up there.
This bring me to the end of my first point
That’s all I wanted to say about…
That about covers the first item. Let’s move on to the next point.
3.6 Changing Topic - Summarizing Points
Before I move on, I’d like to recap the main points.
Let me briefly summarize the main issues
I’d like to summarize what I’ve said so far...
3.7 Changing Topic - Moving to Next Points
I suggest we move on to the next item.
Now we’ve discussed x, let’s move on to y.
Why don’t we move on to... ?
If no-one has anything to add, let’s continue with...
Now we come to the question / issue of...
Could you lead on this one?
The next item on today’s agenda is…
We’ve covered everything except item 5
Now we come to the final item on the agenda today
That brings us to the final point on today’s agenda.
Moving on, let’s take a look at item [number] on the agenda…
Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda.
This leads directly to my next point.
This brings us to the next question.
Let’s now move on to/turn to...
Let’s now take a look at...
Okay, let me now turn to the issue of…
We’re behind schedule, so let’s leave that point and go on to the following one
3.8 Questions
If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time
Please interrupt me, if there is something that needs clarification. Otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the end
If you have any questions you’d like to ask, I’ll be happy to answer them
If you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions till the end
There will be time for questions after my presentation
3.9 Directing Questions
_____, you’re our specialist here. Would you answer that?
I’d like to ask _____ to answer that question.
I think _____ is more qualified than I am to answer that. _____?
I’m sure _____ can answer that better than me. _____?
3.10 Managing the meeting
Please be brief with your comments.
Let’s get back to the topic, shall we?
We are not here to discuss…
Anyway, where was I / where were we?
You were saying / telling us about...
Please go on.
We seem to be getting side-tracked here.
Can we get back to what we were discussing earlier?
Perhaps we could speed things up a little.
Maybe we should take a short break at this point?
Perhaps we can come back to this later?
We’ll come to that in a minute.
We’ve already looked at that question.
It might be better if you took that up directly with…
Time is getting short here.
We’re almost out of time.
I’m afraid we’re running out of time.
I think we’re getting off the subject here.
Could you stick to the item under discussion, please?
3.11 Opinions
Do you agree with this approach?
I’d love to get some ideas from everybody
Could you share your opinion on these ideas?
How do you feel about this plan?
What do you think about / of that?
What are your views on that / feelings about that?
Does anybody have any comments to make?
Exactly where do you stand on this issue?
I’d like to hear what you all have to say before we decide
How about going round the table?
Let’s go around the table so that everyone gets a turn to speak
Could you each let us have your opinion on this, one at a time?
Do you mind sharing your thoughts?
Is there anything else anyone else would like to add?
_____, We haven’t heard from you yet
_____, I’m curious to hear your point of view on this
_____, over to you / any comments?
_____, I believe you have something to add to this point
_____, what do you want to add?
_____, I’d like to hear what you have to say about this.
_____, could you give us a progress report on… ?
Could I have your suggestions?
How do you recommend that we solve the problem?
We need to discuss…
3.12 Making suggestions
We need to look at this from our customers’ point of view
On the other hand we could…
What about using… ?
I’d like to draw your attention to…
I think we have to…
Maybe we could…
Why don’t we… ?
We must find a way to…
We should…
I suggest we…
I wonder if we could…
I recommend that we…
Couldn’t we… ?
If you ask me, I think that we should focus on…
In my opinion, this idea is …
I (really) feel that…
I think…
I believe…
3,13 Breaking news
I’ve been asked to inform you that...
It seems / appears / is felt that...
I’m afraid / sorry to say that…
The suggestion / basic idea is that..
4. Collaboration
4.1 Agreeing
That’s a great point I couldn't agree more
That is exactly what I was thinking
I must agree with ____ on this idea
That sounds like a great idea
As I see it, this is the best solution
As far as I can judge, this is the best solution
I’m convinced that this will work
In my opinion he’s right
I can see your point
I think you’re on the right track
You have a point here, but I think we have to develop this further
I couldn’t have put it better myself
I was just going to say that
I’m in favor of that
I can agree to that
You have my full support on this
From my point of view, that appears to be an effective solution
4.2 Disagreeing
Unfortunately, I do not see it the same way
I agree with you in part, but I can’t agree with you because I think…
That won’t work
I think you’re wrong in the sense
I think you’re on the wrong track
I think there are some gaps in your theory
I’m afraid I can’t share your views on that
I couldn’t agree to that under any circumstances
I see your point, but I think we are better off by
That’s not entirely how I see it. Have you considered ..?
That’s not always the case
I’m not sure about that
Well, not necessarily
That’s not entirely true
I don’t think so
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on this
4.3 Clarification - Asking
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here
I don’t see what you’re getting at
Could you go into a little more detail?
What do you mean by… ?
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand
Sorry, I don’t quite follow you
What was that again?
I’m not sure I’m quite with you
Could you run that by me again?
Maybe I’m missing something here
Are you saying / suggesting / telling us... ?
Are you trying to say / Do you mean...?
Could you please clarify…?
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by…
I’m not sure you’ve convinced me
Sorry. What was that?
Could you speak up, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
Could you slow down, please?
4.4 Clarification - Sharing
I mean that...
You have to understand that...
What I’m saying is that…
That’s not quite what I meant
Do you understand?
Are you following me?
Do you see what I’m getting at?
Let’s look at this another way
4.5 Certainty
I’m 100% sure of this.
It’s obvious that…
I’m certain there won’t be any problem if…
I’m virtually sure that..
It’s very likely that...
I’m quite certain that…
I doubt that…
I’m convinced that…
We can’t possibly…
4.6 Importance
The important thing here is…
It’s the _____ that really matters
Let me stress here how essential a… is to…
I’d like to stress that…
That’s of minor importance here
_____ is of considerable interest to us
_____ doesn’t really matter right now
4.7 Softening the tone
To be honest, I won’t be ready.
Actually, we can’t solve the problem.
In fact…
I’m afraid…
That would be difficult to guarantee.
Progress is quite slow
There were some failures
Things are a little slow
There will be a slight delay
Could you do it a bit faster?
Could I have it by Friday?
Is 3:30 convenient?
5. Handling Interruptions
5.1 Interrupting
May I have a word on this topic?
If I may, I think that we should discuss this…
Excuse me for interrupting, but…
May I add something about…?
If I could just add something here.
Could I just come in here to make a point?
I’d just like to ask if you’ve given any thought to…
Before we move on, I think we need to look at…
I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we’ve talked about…
One minute please, it seems we haven’t discussed…
Do you mind if I jump in / cut in here?
Could I just mention the… ?
This might be a good time to bring up…
Let me just point out…
5.2 Responding to Interruptions
Could I just finish, please?
I’ll answer that in a minute
You’ll have an opportunity to comment on this as soon as I’ve finished
If you could just wait until finish, I’ll be glad to answer your questions
We’ll get to that point later on
I’m afraid that point isn’t on today’s agenda
Let’s just finish discussing… before we start on…
I think we’d better continue this discussion next time
6. Closing the Meeting
6.1 Summarizing the discussion
Before we go, let me summarize what we have decided on
To sum up the meeting, we discussed points A, B, and C
Shall I review today’s important points?
In summary, we’re going to…
This is what we’ve agreed on…
So we’ve decided to…
Let me go over today’s most important points.
Okay, to recap the key points…
In short, here are the main points we’ve agreed on.
To sum up, we’ve made five main points.
Briefly, I’d like to sum up the points we’ve covered.
Before we finish, let’s go over the main items we’ve seen
6.2 Action items
We should really prepare these numbers for our meeting next week
Let’s focus our attention on completing these changes by Friday afternoon
Would you mind taking care of the report by Thursday morning?
I look forward to your report at our meeting next week.
Are we all clear about what we need to do before the next meeting?
6.3 Concluding the meeting
I guess that will be all for today
Right, it looks as if we’ve covered all the items
If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap it up there
Let’s bring this meeting to a close
Thank you all / everyone for coming / attending / joining us
That’s it for today, see you / speak to you soon
If there are no other questions, I’ll finish there
That just about covers everything. Let’s call it a day
If there’s nothing more to discuss, let’s stop here.
It looks like we’ve covered all of the main points on the agenda
Let me end here by saying that…
"Customer Engagement" covers various strategies and phrases for effectively managing meetings with clients, with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. It begins by outlining objectives such as increasing client satisfaction, improving client experience, and valuing client opinions.
The above document provides detailed guidance on different stages of a meeting, including setting up, opening, and diving into the meeting. It includes specific language and phrases to use when starting, managing, and closing meetings, as well as how to handle interruptions, ask for opinions, and summarize discussions.
Overall, the document serves as a comprehensive guide for professionals to improve their customer engagement through structured and effective meeting practices.