Child Process Flow activity: PC_PF_SubmitBill_SubProcess_API

Child Process Flow activity: PC_PF_SubmitBill_SubProcess_API


  • This Child Process sends the bill to ADVA for Pricing.

  • When ResponseCode is 200 we send the billJSON sent by the client to ADVA through ASB for Pricing.

Process Flow Activity

Initially, we create the default flow.


At the start of the event, Gateway

  Defines two flows. We create a default flow.


The default condition will only execute when the responseCode is not 200

A Gateway controls the divergence and convergence of a sequence flow. Thus, it determines the branching, forking, merging, and joining of paths.

  1. We create a data mapping to fetch the error backend status.

  1. Create a JSON Layout: This JSON layout contains API Backend Status

  1. Create a Custom Plugin: This Custom plugin is removing \ from JSON data.


import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;

String json = IOUtils.toString(inputStream);
json = json.replaceAll("\\\\", " ").replaceAll("\t", " ").trim().replaceAll("\"\\{", "{").replaceAll("}\\\"", "}");
service.write(json.toString().getBytes(), "default");

  1. Create a Rest Consumer: This Rest Consumer is created for Backend Status.

  1. Create a Context Target:


Process Flow Activity

At the start of the event, Gateway Defines two flows. Now we create a subsequent flow.

  1. Create Context Source: To Get response data in restRequest.

  1. Create a JSON Schema: This Layout is created to parse JSON data.

  1. Create Data Mapping: We create this Data Mapping to handle mandatory and process request

  1. Create Custom Plugin: It basically converts the XML to JSON and cleans it to optimize the end JSON.


String keys = "bills,vendorReasons,codeToCodes,procedureCodes,attachments,patientVisitReasons,providers,client,bill_details,icdCodes,programFlags";
String jsonString=new XMLtoJSONResponse().convertData(keys,inputStream,service);
//handle empty array before returning
//uncomment below for debugging
//service.getLogger().error("****" + jsonString);
String postBillJson = jsonString.replace("[\"\"]", "null").replace("\"messageProperties\":\"\"","\"messageProperties\":{}").replace("\"\"","null");
String childContext = "{\"logActivity\" : {\"applicationID\" : \"Adeptia\",\"activityType\" : \"API\",\"subActivity\" : \"Submit\",\"Datetime\" : \"<DateTime>\",\"partnerId\" : \"<PartnerID>\",\"partnerType\" : \"API Partner\",\"processName\" : \"<ProcessName>\",\"notes\" : \"<notes>\"},\"entities\" : {\"entityTransactionId\" : \"<TransactionID>\"}}";
String dateTime = context.get("dateTime");
String restRequest = context.get("restRequest");
String partnerId = context.get("partnerId");
String transactionID = context.get("PC_TransactionID");
String fileName = partnerId+"-"+transactionID;
String filePath = context.get("targetFileLocation");
String processName = context.get("TransactionName");
String tenantID = service.getValueByName("tenantID");
String clientID = service.getValueByName("clientID");
String clientSecret = service.getValueByName("clientSecret");
String env = service.getValueByName("env");
String topicName = "advapro-" + env + "-in-original-bill";
String subject = fileName + ".json";

Map customProperties= new HashMap();
customProperties.put("bvId", partnerId);
customProperties.put("env", env);

//File file = new File(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".atmp");
//FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
//BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
//byte[] b = postBillJson.getBytes();
//File rename = new File(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".json");
//if (rename.exists()) rename.delete();
//boolean flag = file.renameTo(rename);
//if (!flag == true) {
//throw new Exception("Unable to rename temp file");


restRequest= restRequest.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\\\\\"").trim().replaceAll("\r\n", "").replaceAll("\t", "");
restRequest= restRequest.replaceAll("\\\\", " ");
childContext = childContext.replaceAll("<PartnerID>", partnerId).replaceAll("<TransactionID>", transactionID).replaceAll("<ProcessName>", processName).replaceAll("<notes>", restRequest).replaceAll("\"\\{", "{").replaceAll("}\\\"", "}").replaceAll("<DateTime>",dateTime);

catch(Exception e){

Logger log = service.getLogger();


throw new Exception(e.getMessage());



String keys = "bills,vendorReasons,codeToCodes,procedureCodes,attachments,patientVisitReasons,providers,client,bill_details,icdCodes,programFlags";
String jsonString=new XMLtoJSONResponse().convertData(keys,inputStream,service);
//handle empty array before returning
//uncomment below for debugging
//service.getLogger().error("****" + jsonString);
String postBillJson = jsonString.replace("[\"\"]", "null").replace("\"messageProperties\":\"\"","\"messageProperties\":{}").replace("\"\"","null");
String childContext = "{\"logActivity\" : {\"applicationID\" : \"Adeptia\",\"activityType\" : \"API\",\"subActivity\" : \"Submit\",\"Datetime\" : \"<DateTime>\",\"partnerId\" : \"<PartnerID>\",\"partnerType\" : \"API Partner\",\"processName\" : \"<ProcessName>\",\"notes\" : \"<notes>\"},\"entities\" : {\"entityTransactionId\" : \"<TransactionID>\"}}";
String dateTime = context.get("dateTime");
String restRequest = context.get("restRequest");
String partnerId = context.get("partnerId");
String transactionID = context.get("PC_TransactionID");
String fileName = partnerId+"-"+transactionID;
String filePath = context.get("targetFileLocation");
String processName = context.get("TransactionName");
String tenantID = service.getValueByName("tenantID");
String clientID = service.getValueByName("clientID");
String clientSecret = service.getValueByName("clientSecret");
String env = service.getValueByName("env");
String topicName = "advapro-" + env + "-in-original-bill";
String subject = fileName + ".json";

Map customProperties= new HashMap();
customProperties.put("bvId", partnerId);
customProperties.put("env", env);

//File file = new File(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".atmp");
//FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
//BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
//byte[] b = postBillJson.getBytes();
//File rename = new File(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".json");
//if (rename.exists()) rename.delete();
//boolean flag = file.renameTo(rename);
//if (!flag == true) {
//throw new Exception("Unable to rename temp file");


restRequest= restRequest.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\\\\\"").trim().replaceAll("\r\n", "").replaceAll("\t", "");
restRequest= restRequest.replaceAll("\\\\", " ");
childContext = childContext.replaceAll("<PartnerID>", partnerId).replaceAll("<TransactionID>", transactionID).replaceAll("<ProcessName>", processName).replaceAll("<notes>", restRequest).replaceAll("\"\\{", "{").replaceAll("}\\\"", "}").replaceAll("<DateTime>",dateTime);

catch(Exception e){

Logger log = service.getLogger();


throw new Exception(e.getMessage());


  1. Create Custom Plugin: We create this Custom Plugin for Backend Status in API sub process.


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