Migrating all objects from AC v3.x


  • Before you begin to migrate the objects, make sure you have already set up the AC v4.x environment.

  • If you're on a lower version of the application, you first need to upgrade to AC v3.5 and thereafter apply its latest patch (AC v3.5.11 and above) to come to its most recent version.

  • To have access to Kubernetes Shared -PVC

Steps to migrate

Once you've met the prerequisites, take the following actions to migrate the objects.

  1. Run the migration utility to create an export.zip file containing the AC v3.x objects.

  2. Restore the exported object in the new environment (AC v4.x) by using the helm command.

Exporting the objects from AC v3.x

To export the objects, you need to run the migration utility in your AC v3.x environment. 

Restoring the objects in the AC v4.x environment

To restore the objects, you need to set the path of the restore.xml file in an environment variable and then use the helm command. 

Once you have created the zip file containing the exported objects, you can use it to restore the objects in the AC v4.0 environment. To restore the objects, perform the following steps.

  1. Copy the exported zip file to a Kubernetes shared location in the PVC.
    Open the restore.xml located at <shared>/migration/template/restore.xml.

  2. Copy the exported zip file to a Kubernetes shared location in the PVC


Step 1.2 Create a new folder to import the objects.


Step 1.3 Import the Object

 2. Open the restore.xml located at <shared>/migration/template/restore.xml.

  1. Provide the path of the exported zip file in the <SourceZipLoc> tag of the restore.xml as illustrated below.

  2. Update the restor.xml file and specify the path of the object zip.

  1. Go to the ArtifactHUB page to view the details of the migration helm package.

  1. Open values-migration.yaml file and update DB information such as DB_url, DB_TYPE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD for Backend and Log DB

  2. Update the location of the Restore.xml file in SHARED_PATH as shown in the screenshot below.

  1. Run the following command to restore the fresh object.

helm install migration adeptia-connect-migration/migration -f

  1. Run the following command to upgrade the object

helm upgrade migration adeptia-connect-migration/migration -f

If the objects are already present and an upgrade is needed, please execute the following command.


  1. Restart all the running pods.

  2. Redeploy all the accelerators (the bundled accelerators, and the drivers).