Process to Make AIS Object AC Compatible 

  1. Setting Up Local AIS Environment (Replication of Client Environment - Install a build locally to replicate the customer environment AIS environment.

  2. Deploying AIS Object - After installing a compatible build, the next step is to Deploy objects to test compatibility and identify any potential issues within those objects.

  3. Validating Object Count - This step will help confirm that all the tables of the object have been successfully deployed. It will show you missing tables if any.

  4. Updating Endpoint Configurations - This step aids in obtaining the specifics of the endpoints, which should then be carefully examined with the client to discuss any necessary adjustments, such as changes to database endpoints.

  5. Scanning Objects - This step facilitates the scanning of objects. It generates a report that includes Users with identical email IDs, Entities sharing the same name, and Entities created by sys-admin. Before commencing the migration from AIS to AC, you can make any necessary manual adjustments.

  6. Object Correction - You may need to consider adjusting based on the object report.

    1. Check for users having the same email ID

    2. Check for services having the same name

    3. Check if any entities exist created by the Sys-Admin user

  7. Exporting Object - Once all essential corrections have been completed, the object can be extracted from AIS.