Microservice Settings - Runtime
Ashhad Alam
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.dataMapper.dblookup.cache.limit | Number of Data Mapper Select Queries and result string pairs to be cached. | 10000 | Any integer |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.transaction.abort.checkpoint.error | Abort process flow if error in check point |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
gbi.activemq.maximumRedeliveries | Set the maximum number of times a message will be redelivered before it is considered a poisoned pill and returned to the broker so it can go to a Dead Letter Queue (use value -1 to define infinite number of redeliveries). |
gbi.activemq.redeliveryDelay | The delivery delay in milliseconds. |
gbi.connection.retry | Set the maximum number of times a retry will perform in case of error in connecting to queue/topic (specify -1 to unlimited retry). |
gbi.connection.retryDelay | The retry delay in milliseconds. |
gbi.orchSuiteBroker.hostName | Data Watcher ActiveMQ broker listening address. |
gbi.orchSuiteBroker.hostPort | Data Watcher ActiveMQ broker listening port. |
gbi.queueManager.name | MFT default queue manager. |
gbi.queueManager.password | MFT default password. |
gbi.queueManager.userId | MFT default userid. |
gbi.spazio.connection.retry | Set the maximum number of times application will retry to connect to Spazio MFT/s in case of error at startup (specify -1 to unlimited retry). |
gbi.spazio.connection.retryInterval | Set the time interval in milliseconds between consecutive retries while connecting to Spazio MFT/s in case of error at startup. |
gbi.spazio.log.messages.retry | Set the maximum number of times the application will retry in case of error to store messages into Spazio Log Tables (specify -1 to unlimited retry). |
gbi.spazio.retryConnectivity.asyncMode | Enable to retry connectivity to Spazio MFT/s asynchronously incase Kernel is not able to connect to it at startup. |
gbi.spazioBroker.hostName | Address of the server running Spazio MFT/S server. |
gbi.spazioRMI.port | Spazio MFT/S RMI server listening port. |
gbi.useRMI | Use RMI call to interact with spazio MFT server. |
gbi.useStreamingModel | Use streaming model to interact with spazio MFT server. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.dataMapper.dateFormat.validate | Parse invalid dates in the date format function available in the data mapping. yes - Date format function in the data mapper will parse invalid dates and will not give a blank output. no - Date format function in the data mapper will not parse invalid dates and gives a blank output. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.dataMapper.dateFunction.logError | Log Error for Data Mapper Date functions. | true | true or false |
abpm.dataMapper.filterEmptyElements | Enable to filter empty elements in the output of Data Mapper. | ||
abpm.dataMapper.saxonica.propertyFile |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.data.pgp.encryption.chunkSize | The chunk size (in bytes) to use while encrypting data size of 1 GB or more. | 65536 | Positive Number between 8 to 9223372036854775807 |
Property name | Description | Default value |
Property name | Description | Default value |
abpm.database.connectionWaitTime | Denotes the time (in Seconds) that the driver will wait to connect to the database. | 60 |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.database.errorcodes | Error Code to abort Database target. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.basepath | Base path for archiving. |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.filesystem | File System for LAN Target (WINDOWS or UNIX). |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.issecure | Enable if target is password protected (true or false). |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.isvfs | Enable or Disable if you want to use VFS service to connect to remote machine (true or false). |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.password | Enter password to connect remote machine (In case secure is selected). |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.username | Enter user Id to connect remote machine (In case secure is selected). |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
runtime.concurrency | Default value of concurrency for the runtime deployment. |
runtime.minPOD | Default value of minimum pods for the runtime deployment. |
runtime.maxPOD | Default value of maximum pods for the runtime deployment. |
runtime.jvmParameters | Default value of JVM parameters required for the runtime deployment. |
runtime.cpurequest | Default number of minimum CPU cores allocated to a pod in the deployment. |
runtime.cpulimit | Default number of maximum CPU cores a pod in the deployment can use. |
runtime.memoryrequest | Default minimum memory allocated to a pod in the deployment. |
runtime.memorylimit | Default maximum memory a pod in the deployment can use. |
runtime.memoryrequest.unit | Default unit for memory request. You can use either of the two possible units, MiB and GiB. |
runtime.memorylimit.unit | Default unit for memory limit. You can use either of the two possible units, MiB and GiB. |
runtime.cpurequest.unit | Default unit for CPU request. You can use either of the two possible units, core and millicore. |
runtime.cpulimit.unit | Default unit for CPU limit. You can use either of the two possible units, core and millicore. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.receiverEmailID | Comma separated receiver email IDs for EDI Interchange Error Notification. | Any valid email ID | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.senderEmailId | Specifies email ID of sender for EDI Interchange Error Notification. | Any valid email ID. | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.mailTarget.password | Mail server password for Mail Target. | NA | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.mailTarget.userId | Mail server user id for Mail Target. | NA | Any valid email ID |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.nackNotification.senderEmailId | Email ID of sender for EDI NACK Notification. | Any valid email ID | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemError.hostEmailID | The EmailID of the host who will receive the email in case of system error(s). | Any valid email id of the host | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds | Comma separated receiver email IDs for EDI system error notification. | Any valid email ID | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID | The EmailID of the host who will receive the email in case of translation error(s). | Any valid email id of the host |
Property name | Description | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Possible value |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIBatchProcessor.resetTransactionControlNumber | This should be set to true if you want to reset the transaction set control number in outbound processing while batch mode is selected as Yes. | True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.generateLogFile | This should be set to true if you want to generate the log file for inbound processing. | True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.logFilePath | You can use this property to define the Path where you want to generate the log file. | Any absolute path where you want to generate the log file. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.logPathPrefix | You can use this property to define the path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | Any string value. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.generateLogFile | This should be set to true if you want to generate the log file for outbound processing. | True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.logFilePath | You can use this property to define the Path where you want to generate the log file. | Any absolute path where you want to generate the log file. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.logPathPrefix | You can use this property to define the path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | Any string value. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.generateLogFile | This should be set to true if you want that the path of FA should be written in the inbound log file. | True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.logFilePath | Path where you want to generate the log file. | Any absolute path. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.logPathPrefix | This is the path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | Any string value. |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.resetTransactionControlNumber | This should be set to true if you want to reset the transaction set control number in outbound processing. | True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.xquery.retryCount | Number of retries to be done in case connection with XML file fails while Xquery execution. | |
abpm.solution.edi.xquery.retryInterval | Set the time interval in milliseconds between consecutive retries while connecting to XML file fails while Xquery execution. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.solution.b2b.partnerIdentifier.skipError | Skip error logging in the log database if partner identifier is not matched. | false | true/false |
abpm.solution.edi.contextcheck.delaytime | Internal delay time(ms) before context checking to start new child flow. | ||
abpm.solution.edi.controlNumberGenStrategy | User Defined EDI Control Number Generation Strategy. | timestamp | timestamp/sequence |
abpm.solution.edi.generateAckPerTradingPartner | Generate all the Transaction set of acknowledgement for same trading partner under one FA. | false | true/false |
abpm.solution.edi.group.validation | Enable or disable the EDI X12 group envelope validation. | Yes | Yes/No |
abpm.solution.edi.inquery.size | Specify size for in queries parameter in Database. | ||
abpm.solution.edi.insert.batchSize | Specify batch size for batch insert in Database. | ||
abpm.solution.edi.interchange.validation | Enable or disable the EDI X12 interchange envelope validation. | Yes | Yes/No |
abpm.solution.edi.logging.debug | Enable debug logging. | ||
abpm.solution.edi.threadpool.size | Specify fixed thread size for Database task. | ||
abpm.solution.edi.transactionset.generateAK103 | Generate AK103 segment in EDI X12 Acknowledgement file. | No | Yes/No or True/False |
abpm.solution.edi.transactionset.processST03 | Process ST03 segment in EDI X12. | No | Yes/No |
abpm.solution.edi.update.batchSize | Specify batch size for batch update in Database. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.transaction.activities.executionTime.enable | Displays all executed services with execution time in the context file. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.transaction.contextVar.useNullString | Use null string as default value for parsing context variables when variable value is not found in context. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.camel.ftpBufferSize | Sets the transfer buffer size for FTP/FTPS upload/download operation(in KB). |
abpm.ftp.plainFtp.enable | |
abpm.ftpLibrary.runTime | Sets the running time library for FTP activities(Possible Values: MIX/CAMEL). |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
log4j.additivity.com.primeur.commons.connector | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.com.primeur.osevent | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.com.primeur.spazio.api | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.com.primeur.spazio.jms | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.PRIMEUR-HELPER | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.PRIMEUR-OSEVENT | GBI Logging |
log4j.additivity.PRIMEUR-SPAZIOMFT | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-HELPER.file | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-HELPER.layout.ConversionPattern | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-HELPER.MaxBackupIndex | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-HELPER.MaxFileSize | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-OSEVENT.file | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-OSEVENT.layout.ConversionPattern | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-OSEVENT.MaxBackupIndex | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-OSEVENT.MaxFileSize | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-SPAZIOMFT.file | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-SPAZIOMFT.layout.ConversionPattern | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-SPAZIOMFT.MaxBackupIndex | GBI Logging |
log4j.appender.PRIMEUR-SPAZIOMFT.MaxFileSize | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.commons.connector | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.gbi | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.os.notification | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.osevent | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.spazio.api | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.spazio.jms | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.com.primeur.spaziomft.connector | GBI Logging |
log4j.category.org.apache.activemq | GBI Logging |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.internals.tuning.io.buffer.size | Buffer Size. |
abpm.internals.tuning.io.gc.limit | Limit of Garbage Collection. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.services.kafka.target.special.characters | Configure the special characters to use with Kafka Target split functionality. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
logging.includeLocation | Used by log4j to include the location in the appenders(Console, jdbc etc.). Possible values of this property is true or false. |
logging.jdbc.buffer | Log4j JDBC Buffer Size. |
logging.level.root | Root Application logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.level.runtime | Runtime logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level or leave it without any value. In case of no value,it will consider the root logging level. |
logging.level.system | System logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.pattern.console |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.mail.onErrorTransactionAbort | Transaction Abort Option |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.mftServer.connector.name | MFT Server connector. Possible values Jscape MFT Server or Spazio MFT Server. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.solution.netsuite.accountID | The Account ID used to login into the NetSuite Account. | Depends on the value given in the NetSuite Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Account ID used to login into NetSuite account. |
abpm.solution.netsuite.accountType | The type of the account of the NetSuite Accelerator solution. | Depends on the value given in the NetSuite Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Account type used to login into NetSuite account. For Example: Developer |
abpm.solution.netsuite.emailID | The Login ID used to login into the NetSuite Account. | Depends on the value given in the NetSuite Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Login ID used to login into NetSuite account. |
abpm.solution.netsuite.password | The password used to login into the NetSuite Account. | Depends on the value given in the NetSuite Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Password used to login into NetSuite account. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.internals.tuning.io.polling.interval | IO Pooling Interval. | ||
abpm.log.connection.retryTimeInterval | The time interval (in seconds), between two retries of connection to the log database server. | 30 | Any integer |
abpm.resource.cache.idleTime | Minimum idle time in seconds. | 7200 | Any valid positive integer. |
abpm.resource.cache.maxElementsinMemory | Resource Cache enable and disable option. | 5000 | Any valid positive integer. |
abpm.resource.cache.name | Resource Cache name. | ||
abpm.resource.cache.timetoLive | Resource Cache enable and disable. | 86400 | Any valid positive integer. |
abpm.xml.validator.engine | Handle the initialization of XML validator at runtime. There are two values: Native which is existing XML validator but unable to process large XML data, other is Saxonica which can process large XML data. |
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
readiness.probe.cpu.threshold | Threshold value (in percentage of allocated CPU request) for CPU utilization. If the pod CPU utilization goes beyond this value, the pod will not accept any more requests to process. Ensure that this threshold value is always greater than the HPA target CPU utilization percentage value that has been set through the environment variable RUNTIME_AUTOSCALING_TARGETCPUUTILIZATIONPERCENTAGE in the global values.yaml file. You can keep the property value blank to skip this threshold check. |
readiness.probe.memory.threshold | Threshold value (in percentage of minimum JVM memory XMS) for application memory utilization. If the application memory utilization goes beyond this value, the pod will not accept any more requests to process. Ensure that this threshold value is always greater than the HPA target memory utilization percentage value that has been set through the environment variable RUNTIME_AUTOSCALING_TARGETMEMORYUTILIZATIONPERCENTAGE in the global values.yaml file. You can keep the property value blank to skip this threshold check. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.Salesforce.Password | The password used to login into Salesforce Account. | Depends on the value given in the Salesforce Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Password used to login into Salesforce account. |
abpm.Salesforce.UserId | The login ID used to login into Salesforce Account. | Depends on the value given in the Salesforce Accelerator configuration steps during installation. | Login ID used to login into Salesforce account. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.db.reserved.words | Reserved words with comma separated. | ||
abpm.schema.excel.poi.dynamicDateFormat | Excel Dynamic Date Format For Non-Streaming Mode and Possible Values are:- default and dd/MM/yyyy (other date formats also supported). | ||
abpm.schema.excel.row.cache | The number of rows to be cached in memory for the execution of XLSX file in streaming mode. | ||
abpm.schemaIgnoreBlankLine | Configures the maximum number of fields to be displayed in Text, Advanced Text, and Advanced Positional Schema. | Yes | Yes/No |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.security.secretkeypassword.encrypt | Server Secretkey Password | ||
abpm.security.secretkeystorename | Adeptia Suite Secret keystore name. SecretKeys.Keystore is a protected database that holds keys that are generated when a user creates the Secret Key entity. These keys are used for Encryption, Decryption, and Schema services. Access to a keystore is guarded by a password defined in the abpm.security.secretkeypassword.encrypt property. You cannot change this password. In addition, each private key in a keystore can be guarded by its own password. | SecretKeys.Keystore | Any valid JCEKS Keystore |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.target.createFolder | Option to create any non-existing parent directory on target location (for Secured FTP Target and LAN File Target activity using VFS option). | Yes | Yes/No |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.internal.transactionTimeTracker.polling | Process flow status polling frequency in milliseconds. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.webservice.metro.httpclient.streaming.chunksize | Option enable streaming of a HTTP request body without internal buffering. | 2048 | NA |
abpm.webservice.metro.mtom.threshold.value | If an attachment is smaller than the size (in bytes) specified in threshold, the system will simply inline the binary data as base64 binary instead of making it an attachment. | 1024 | NA |
abpm.webservice.metro.security.dumpmessages | Option to web service security dumpMessages for web service request and response. | false | true/false |
abpm.webservice.rest.jersey.dumpmessages | Option to enable logging to the REST web service consumer request and response (applicable for Jersey engine only). | false | true/false |
abpm.webService.sslcontext.protocol | Configure the requested protocol for SSL context. |