Application Settings - LDAP
Ashhad Alam
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.ldap.baseContextDN | Fixed DN of the context to start the user search from. | ||
abpm.ldap.baseFilter | Search filter to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username as obtained from the login module callback will be substituted into the filter where a "{0}" expression is seen. | ||
abpm.ldap.bindCredential | Password for the bindDN. | ||
abpm.ldap.bindDN | The DN used to bind against the LDAP server for the user and roles queries. This is DN with read/search permissions on the baseContextDN and rolesContextDN values. It specifies DN of the admin user in LDAP server. | ||
abpm.ldap.defaultRole | Default Login Role | ||
abpm.ldap.enable.anonymous.login | Enable or disable anonymous login through blank password in LDAP. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.ldap.enableLdap | Enable or disable LDAP authentication. | no | yes or no |
abpm.ldap.enableLdapOverSSL | Enable or disable LDAP connection over SSL. | ||
abpm.ldap.enableSSO | Enable or disable Single Sign-On in Adeptia Suite. | no | yes or no |
abpm.ldap.provider.url | Provider URL to connect to LDAP Server. | ldap://ldapServerName:portNumber | |
abpm.ldap.referrals | Set the environment property referrals in LDAP. Possible values are ignore and follow. | ||
abpm.ldap.roleAttributeID | Name of the role attribute of the context that corresponds to the name of the role. If the value of the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to true, this property is the DN of the context to query for the roleNameAttributeID attribute. If the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to false, this property is the attribute name of the role name. | ||
abpm.ldap.roleAttributeIsDN | Flag indicating whether the user's role attribute contains the fully distinguished name of a role object, or the user's role attribute contains the role name. If the value of this property is false, the role name is taken from the value of the user's role attribute. If the value of this property is true, the role attribute represents the distinguished name of a role object. The role name is taken from the value of the roleNameAttributeId attribute of the corresponding object. The default value of this property is false. | no | yes/no or true/false |
abpm.ldap.roleDN.searchRoleNameAttributeID | Enable or disable searching role name attribute in user's distinguished name. | yes | yes or no, true or false |
abpm.ldap.roleFilter | Search filter to locate the roles associated with an authenticated user. The login module callback will be substituted into the filter anywhere a "{0}"expression is seen. The authenticated userDN will be substitute into the filter where a "{1}" expression is seen. | ||
abpm.ldap.roleNameAttributeID | Name of the role attribute of the context that corresponds to the name of the role. If the value of the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to true, this property is used to find the role object's name attribute. If the value of the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to false, this property is ignored. | ||
abpm.ldap.roleRecursion | Specifies how deep the role search will Go below a given matching context. Disable with 0, which is the default. | 0 | |
abpm.ldap.rolesContextDN | Fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. For Active Directory, this is the DN where the user account is. | ||
abpm.ldap.searchScopeLevel | Search scope level - One, Object, and Subtree. | Subtree | One, Object, or Subtree |
abpm.ldap.searchTimeout | Timeout in seconds for LDAP search operations. | 60 | | | Mode for LDAP security authentication. | none | simple | sasl_mech | |
abpm.ldap.sso.filterClass | Class name that needs to be initiated for SSO authentication process. | yes | yes or no |
bpm.ldap.serverTimeout | Read timeout in seconds for LDAP operations. | 60 |