Configuring SSL in Microservices
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Ashhad Alam
An important prerequisites for a secure communication between the web browser (end user) and the web server is to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. Adeptia Connect microservices also adheres to this requirement. To achieve this, after you've deployed Adeptia Connect, you need to configure SSL in the Webapp Gateway microservice or the Kubernetes Ingress Controller (if in use as a front-end for Webapp Gateway).
Configuring SSL in Webapp Gateway microservice
In case you're not using any Kubernetes ingress controller, you need to configure SSL certificate in Webapp Gateway microservice that will be running on any LoadBalancer type Kubernetes service. To achieve this, follow the steps given below in the same order.
Generating SSL certificate
- Open Terminal.
Run the following Keytool command to create a Keystore for Jetty with a self-signed certificate or CA signed certificate. In case Keytool is not installed on your system, install it by referring to the tool documentation.
For self-signed certificateTo generate SSL certificate for Jetty with a self-signed certificate:
keytool -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize> -ext SAN=ip:<FQDN/IP of the Webapp Gateway>,dns:<domain_name>
<keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.
<alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.
<keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.
<password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.
<days> are the number of days certificate will expire.
<keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.
<FQDN/IP of the Gateway> is the IP address or FQDN of the Webapp Gateway.
<domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using. It is not necessary to use the domain name in the command above. However, for easy identification, it is recommended to use the domain name.
For example,
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=ip:
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=dns:localhost
For CA signed certificateTo generate SSL certificate for Jetty with a CA signed certificate:
Generate Keystore
keytool -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize>
<keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.
<alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.
<keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.
<password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.
<days> are the number of days certificate will expire.
<keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.
For example,
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048
If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating Keystore.
keytool -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize> -ext SAN=ip:<FQDN/IP of the Webapp Gateway>
Where, <FQDN/IP of the Webapp Gateway> is the IP address or FQDN of the Webapp Gateway.
Generate CSR from the generated Keystore
Run the following Keytool command to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).keytool -certreq -alias <alias_name> -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass <password>
This command will generate a <domainname>.csr file to sign from CA.
If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating CSR for the Keystore.
keytool -certreq -alias server -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass password -ext san=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine>
Send this CSR to your CA to generate SSL certificate. After your SSL certificate is generated, you need to import the certficate in the Java Keystore.Import CA Signed SSL Certificate into Java Keystore.
You might get multiple SSL certificates from your CA. You need to import all these SSL certificates into your Keystore. Ensure that you use the same Keystore that is used in generating CSR while importing SSL certificates.
Import Trusted Root certificate into Java Keystore.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks
Import Intermediate certificate into Java Keystore.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias intermediate -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks
Import domain certificate into Java Keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks
<certificate_name> is the name of the CA certificate.
<domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using.
While executing the command, you will be prompted to provide other details. The default password is password. You can change the password. Note the Keystore password for future references.
Run the following Kubectl command to copy the certificate to the PVC or shared storage volume for any available Webapp Gateway pod.
Kubectl --namespace <namepace_name> cp <local_path_for_SSL_certificate> <pod_name>:shared/keystore/<Keystore_File_name>
Edit the Kubernetes deployment object of Webapp Gateway microservice to update the below environment variables as per your Keystore path and password.
Once you've updated the Kubernetes deployment object of Webapp Gateway microservice, the pods corresponding to the Webapp Gateway microservice will be redeployed automatically.
Exporting the public key of Webapp Gateway
The steps for exporting the public key of the Webapp Gateway external URL (external FQDN, for example, vary from browser to browser. It is recommended that you export the key using DER encoded binary format X.509 (.CER). Following are the steps to export the public key in Google Chrome browser.
- Enter the Adeptia Connect application URL (client-specific according to client domain) in the browser.
The login page opens. - Click
> More tools > Developer tools.
- Click Security tab.
- Click View Certificate.
- On the Certificate window, on the Details tab, click Copy to File.
- Click Next to start exporting the certificate.
- Choose DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.
- Specify the location to save the exported file and click Next.
- Click Finish to export.
- Click OK to exit from the wizard.
Importing the Webapp Gateway certificate
This section helps you to import SSL certificate in the microservices Truststore.
Following the steps given below, you'd be able to import the SSL certificate in the Webapp Gateway microservice Truststore with an alias name adeptia.
Run the following Kubectl command to copy the certificate to the PVC or shared storage volume for the Webapp Gateway pod.
Kubectl --namespace <namepace_name> cp <local_path_for_SSL_certificate> <pod_name>:shared/truststore/<SSL_certificate_name>
Navigate to the Microservice pod (Eg. Webrunner) by running the following command.
Kubectl --namespace <namespace_name> exec -it <pod_name> -- sh
Run the following Keytool command to import the certificate.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <Path of cacerts file>
<Path_of_SSL_Certificate> is the path of SSL certificate.
<Path of cacerts file> is the path of Truststore.
For example,
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file shared/truststore/ssl-certs.cer -alias adeptia -keystore shared/truststore/cacerts
You'll be prompted to enter a password. Enter the default password changeit.
- Run the exit command to exit from the pod shell.
- Restart all the Microservices to bring the changes into effect.
Configuring Webapp Gateway/LoadBalancer FQDN/IP
You need to configure Webapp Gateway/LoadBalancer FQDN/IP (Domain name assigned to webapp-gateway Kubernetes service) environment variable in other microservices.
Edit the Kubernetes deployment object of Event, Portal, and Webrunner microservices to update the below environment variables as per your Webapp Gateway domain name. The image below is an example showing the environment variable and a dummy Webapp Gateway URL as a value for this variable.
Verifying SSL
To verify if the SSL certificate is configured in Adeptia Connect:
- Open the browser and hit the Webapp Gateway URL, for example,, to access Adeptia Connect using https protocol.
- Adeptia Connect login page appears. Verify your certificate by checking https protocol color in the address bar. If you have used CA signed certificate then https protocol will be green in color (
) . In case you've used self-signed certificate, the https protocol will be red in color (