Adding partners in bulk
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Avinash Kumar
Ashhad Alam
Instead of adding partners manually, one at a time, an admin user can add many partners in bulk through Import Partner feature. To do this, a user needs to use a CSV (comma separated values) file that contains the partners' data.
You can add multiple partners in one go using a CSV file. You can download the sample CSV file by following the link on the Import Partners window.
To go to the Import Partners window, click Partners > Partners > Import Partner and follow the link "Click here to download sample file...". Once you download the file, you can update the values for the columns therein based on your requirements.
The fields' value details (in the CSV file) as shown in the example below is only for one partner. Similarly, you can add multiple partners in the CSV file.
Sl no. | Fields in CSV file | Possible value | Comment |
1 | Partner Name | Partner1 | Name of the partner user. Values allowed: Alphabet and Alphanumeric. |
2 | Networks | Vendors,Customers | Name of the network. You can add multiple networks separated by a comma, for example, "N1,N2,N3". |
3 | Email(Optional) | | Enter the email id of the partner user. This is an optional field. |
4 | Self Managed? | yes/true or no/false | If you say yes/true, you need to set the values for the fields from Sl no. 5 through 10. If you say no/false, a normal partner will be added. |
5 | First Name | John | First name of the partner user. |
6 | Last Name | Doe | Last name of the partner user. |
7 | User Id | john_11 | User Id of the partner user. |
8 | Email Id | | Enter the email id of the partner user. |
9 | Role Name | Partner IT User | Enter the role name of the partner user. |
10 | Password | J@hn1234 | Enter the password of the partner user. |
11 | Is EDI Partner? | yes/true or no/false | If you want to send or receive EDI data from/to the Partner, you need to set the value as Yes to configure EDI settings and parameters for the Partner. If you say no/false, a non-EDI partner will be added. |
12 | EDI Partner Email | | Enter the Partner email. |
13 | Partner ID | partner101 | Enter the Partner ID. The ID must be unique and it can be alphanumeric with minimum one character and maximum 15 characters. Only space and underscore are allowed. |
14 | Host ID | host101 | Enter the Host ID. The ID must be unique and it can be alphanumeric with minimum one character and maximum 15 characters. Only space and underscore are allowed. |
15 | Inbound Interchange Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Interchange control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
16 | Inbound Group Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Group control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
17 | Inbound Transaction Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Transaction control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
18 | Outbound Interchange Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Interchange control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
19 | Outbound Group Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Group control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
20 | Outbound Transaction Control No | 0 | Enter the last used Transaction control number. It cannot be more than 9 digits. |
Uploading CSV file to add partners in bulk
Follow the steps below to upload the CSV file:
- Click Partners > Partners > Import Partner.
- In the Import Partners window, click Browse and navigate to the CSV file's location.
- Select the CSV file and click Open.
- Click Import.
To check the status, click Refresh .
In case of any error while processing the request, it notifies you of the error details through Error Info window.