Properties in values.yaml

The table below contains the global parameters given in values.yaml file that you may want to set. It contains the description and default values for the given properties.  

Global parameters 


Default value

Required/Optional/Do not changeDescription
global.config.envdevRequiredYou can enter the name of your environment.

false - If you're pulling the images from Adeptia's public repo.

true - If you're pulling the images from your private repo. for Adeptia Connect repository. If you're using own repository, this path will be changed accordingly.

Username to access your private repo.

OptionalPassword to access your private repo.


  • true - Service Account will be automatically created at the time of deployment.
  • false - Use your own Service Account.
global.config.serviceAccount.annotations.""pre-install,pre-upgradeDo not changeService Account is created as a Helm pre-hook.
global.config.serviceAccount.annotations."""-11"Do not changeWeightage of the Helm pre-hook for Service Account.
global.config.serviceAccount.nameadeptiaDo not changeName of the Service Account that is created during deployment.
global.config.imagePullSecretsadeptia-image-secretDo not changeName of the image pull secret.
global.config.dbPullSecretsadeptia-db-secretDo not changeName of the secret used to store database credentials.
global.config.serviceAccountNameadeptiaDo not changeName of the Service Account used to run pre-hook.
global.config.persistence.enabledtrueDo not changeTo enable persistence.
global.config.persistence.storageClassazurefileRequiredName of the storage class provided by Kubernetes provider.
global.config.persistence.accessModeReadWriteManyDo not changeAccess mode of the persistent storage.
global.config.persistence.size250GiRequiredStorage required for the persistent volume.

  • Flag for enabling or disabling the deployment of EFK stack.
  • false - EFK will not be deployed.
  • true - EFK will be deployed.
  • Flag for enabling or disabling the deployment of Prometheus and Grafana tools.
  • false - Prometheus and Grafana will not be deployed.
  • true - Prometheus and Grafana will be deployed.