Event Hubs provides an endpoint compatible with the Apache Kafka producer and consumer APIs that can be used by most existing Apache Kafka client applications as an alternative to running your own Apache Kafka cluster.
You can configure the Kafka account to use Event Hubs by defining a set of properties in the Addon Configuration field. Follow the steps below to use Event Hub.
Click Configure > ACCOUNTS > Kafka.
- Click Create Kafka account.
In Create Kafka Account screen, do the followings:
- In the Name and Description fields, enter the name and description respectively for the new Kafka account.
In the Brokers field, enter the URL of the Kafka brokers, for example, host1:port1,host2:port2.
Leave the default value (PLAINTEXT) as is in the Security Protocol field. This shall be overwritten with what you're going to define in the Addon Configuration field.
In the Addon Configuration field, set the saslMechanism, securityProtocol, saslJaasConfig properties as shown in the following example.
Define each property in a new line.
The table below describes the properties and their values:
Property key | Description |
saslMechanism | The SASL mechanism you want to use. For the valid values, click here. |
securityProtocol | Protocol (SASL_SSL) used for communicating with brokers. |
saslJaasConfig | The property for exposing the Kafka sasl.jaas.config parameters as shown in the example. |
- In the Select Project field, select the project.
- Click Save.