Data Cleanup Properties
Description | Cron Expression to schedule the cleanup of Kernel and WebRunner application log files |
Default Value | 0 0 3 * * ? |
Possible Values | Any valid Cron Expression |
Selection Criteria | Specifies, when and how often Kernel and WebRunner application log files should be deleted. By default, it is set to 8 PM daily. |
Description | Duration of Kernel and WebRunner application log files to be retained during cleanup |
Default Value | 5 |
Possible Values | Any positive integer |
Selection Criteria | Retains the data for specified duration during clean up. By default 5 days old data is retained. This property is used to define the retain time for repository files. It is recommended to leave this property blank. When this property is blank, the retain time, which is defined for logs within file, is used as retain time for data also. |
Log Cleanup Properties
Description | Cron Expression to schedule log cleanup time |
Default Value | 0 0 3 * * ? |
Possible Values | Any valid Cron Expression |
Selection Criteria | When and how often user wants logs to be cleaned up. It is used when you want to run the log and repository clean-up, e.g., for 8 PM you need to define 0 0 20 * * ? . |
Comments | Refer to Cron expression document |
Description | Data Cleanup Retain Time |
Default Value | Blank |
Description | Name and Path of file which contains retain time for logs |
Default Value | |
Possible Values | Path of file, which contains logs retain time properties. |
Selection Criteria | This file contains the retain time of all log tables.Define the path of file. file contains the retain information about different log tables. By default this file is located in ../../AdeptiaServerx.x/ServerKernel/etc/ folder. It is recommended not to change the value of this property |
Archive Cleanup Properties
Description | Archive Log Cleanup CronExpression |
Default Value | 0 0 3 * * ? |
Possible Values | Any valid Cron Expression |
Selection Criteria | Define the time in cron expression, when you want to run the archive log cleanup. |
Description | Archive Log Cleanup Properties File |
Default Value | |
Schedule Tasks
Description | Enable or disable auto re-schedule cleanup for data, log and archive |
Default Value | yes |
Possible Values | Yes/no |
Description | Polling time for auto re-schedule cleanup in minutes |
Default Value | 60 |
Log Recovery and Synchronization
Description | Enable or Disable Log Recovery and Synchronization |
Default Value | false |
Possible Values | true/false |
Selection Criteria | Set this property to true if you wish to auto synchronize the logs in case there is a connection problem with the backup server. |
Group Admin Permission
Description | Allow Group Admin users to perform maintenance |
Default Value | yes |
Possible Values | yes/no |
Cleanup and Archival Database Properties
Property | Example Value | Description |
abpm.archival.archive.db.maxActive | 50 | Maximum number of simultaneous connections that can exist between the archive database and the application. |
abpm.archival.archive.thread.corepoolsize | 20 | Number of worker threads used for performing log archival and cleanup. Each thread consumes one connection. |
abpm.archival.archive.thread.maxpoolsize | 20 | Maximum number of worker threads that can be used to perform log archival and cleanup. Ensure that this number is less than or equal to the number of connections in the connection pool. |
abpm.archival.archive.thread.queuecapacity | 0 | The maximum number of log archival and cleanup tasks that can remain in queued state after all the defined threads are exhausted. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.minIdle | 25 | The minimum number of idle archive database connections that must exist in the connection pool. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.maxWait | 600000 | Maximum lifetime (in milliseconds) of the archive database connection after it is closed. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 3600000 | Minimum time (in milliseconds) for which an unused archive database connection must sit idle before it becomes a candidate for eviction from the pool. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.maxStatements | 0 | Maximum number of PreparedStatements the DataSource can cache for archive database. |
abpm.archival.logdb.maxActive | 50 | Maximum number of simultaneous connections that can exist between the log database and the application. |
abpm.archival.logdb.maxStatements | 0 | Maximum number of PreparedStatements the DataSource can cache for log database. |
abpm.archival.logdb.maxWait | 600000 | Maximum lifetime (in milliseconds) of the log database connection after it is closed. |
abpm.archival.logdb.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 3600000 | Minimum time (in milliseconds) for which an unused log database connection must sit idle before it becomes a candidate for eviction from the pool. |
abpm.archival.logdb.minIdle | 25 | Minimum number of idle log database connections that must exist in the connection pool. |
abpm.archival.logdb.testOnBorrow | true | Specifies whether a log database connection from the pool has to be validated (usually by a simple SQL validation query defined in validationQuery) or not. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.testOnBorrow | true | Specifies whether an archive database connection from the pool has to be validated (usually by a simple SQL validation query defined in validationQuery) or not. |
abpm.archival.logdb.validationQuery | SELECT 1 | Defines the query that will be executed for all the log database connection tests (validation) if the default ConnectionTester (or some other implementation of QueryConnectiontester, or better yet Full QueryConnectionTester) is being used. Enter the following values based on the type of database you are using:
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.validationQuery | SELECT 1 | Defines the query that will be executed for all the log database connection tests (validation) if the default ConnectionTester (or some other implementation of QueryConnectiontester, or better yet Full QueryConnectionTester) is being used. Enter the following values based on the type of database you are using:
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.isolation.level | 1 | Defines the degree to which a transaction must be isolated from the data modifications made by any other transaction in the database. Transaction isolation level for the archive database connections in the connection pool.
abpm.archival.logdb.isolation.level | 1 | Transaction isolation level for the log database connections in the connection pool.
abpm.archival.logdb.pooltype | hikari | Defines the type of JDBC connection pool to be used for log database. |
abpm.archival.archive.logdb.pooltype | hikari | Defines the type of JDBC connection pool to be used for archive database. |