Registering an application for OAuth authorization

Registering an application for OAuth authorization

To enable OAuth authorization between Adeptia Connect and another application, you need to first register Adeptia Connect with that application which is also called consumer. The registration is also mandatory to get the client identifier and client secret details to help you create an OAuth profile and then an OAuth account.

For example, if you want to log in to Outlook mail server or use its services from within Adeptia Connect, authorize the Outlook mail server using the OAuth authentication type.

To achieve this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click here and login with your Outlook mail server credentials.
  2. On the home page, click Azure Active Directory

  3. On the Overview page, select the App registrations option in the left pane. 
  4. Click New registration.
  5. On Register an application page, enter the following details:

    1. In the Name field, type a user-facing display name for Adeptia Connect.
    2. In the Supported account types section, select the appropriate option that indicates who all can use the application being registered. Click Help me choose... to know more about the available options.
    3. In the Redirect URI (optional) section,
      1. Keep the Web option selected for the first field.
      2. Enter the URL to which the user will be redirected after the successful authorization. In this case, use the Callback URL that is displayed on OAuth Profile page in Adeptia Connect.
        For example, https://<myapp.com>/rest/oauth/account

        Ensure that you are using the https protocol for this URL.
    4. Click Register.
  6. Under the Essentials section, copy the Application (client) ID which you can use as a Client Identifier while creating OAuth Profile in Adeptia Connect.
  7. Click Certificates & secrets option in the left pane.
  8. In the Client secrets section,
    1. Click New client secret.

    2. In the Add a client secret window, type the description in the Description field. 
    3. In the Expires field, select an option for the validity period of the client secret.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Copy the client secret value under the column Value and store this for future reference. 

      This client secret value will be visible to you only once after creation. It is recommended that you copy and store it safely to use it in the future.

      You can modify the permissions based on your requirement by clicking API permissions in the left pane.

After you have registered the application, you can go forward and create an OAuth Profile and OAuth Account. Click here for more details.