Installing SecureBridge Agent

SecureBridge Agent can be installed on Microsoft Windows and Linux operating system. This page discusses all these prerequisites and system requirements in detail and help you setup the required environment and seamlessly install SecureBridge Agent within your production and the non-production environment. 

See the deployment architecture to learn how to install SecureBridge Agent. You may want to verify if you meet the system requirements before began to install the product using this installation guide.

This section contains the following information:


  1. Ensure that you must have administrator rights for the system where SecureBridge Agent will be installed.
  2. Ensure that the following default ports are available for communication.
    • Kernel Port: 21000
    • HTTP Port: 8080
    • HTTPS Port: 8443
    • RMI Port: 1098

    In case you want to change the default ports, you can change them in file available in the zip file. Click here for more details.
  3. Ensure that the Installation directory is C:\Program Files\SecureBridge.

System requirements

You need to fulfill prerequisites, including supported operating system and hardware requirements to install and use SecureBridge Agent effectively. 

Operating system

Secure Bridge can be installed on the following operating systems:

Operating System



2008 or later



Red Hat 6.0 or later

CentOS 6 or later

Ubuntu 6 or later

Hardware requirements


Minimum Requirement

Recommended Configuration*


2.4 GHz 2 Core Processor

2.4 GHz 4 Core Processor


8 GB

16 GB

Hard Disk

150 GB

500 GB

*Actual RAM and hard disk space required for running SecureBridge Agent depend on many factors:

  • Number of services running on a node,
  • The complexity of the services deployed on the node, and
  • CPU requirement for running these services.

The expected data flow and system performance also determine the RAM and hard disk requirement. Therefore, these requirements may vary for the production environment and the user is advised to refer to the recommended configuration.

Deployment architecture

Following image describes the high-level architecture of SecureBridge and its communication with the Agent.

Installation process

The SecureBridge Agent can be installed on both Windows and Linux. You can also install the Agent on Windows using the Command Line Interface (CLI). This section contains the following information:

Installing on Windows

This section assists you on how to install SecureBridge Agent on Windows operating system. Before you start installing, refer to the deployment architecture and system requirements.

  1. Unzip the zip file. The format of the zip file is: SecureBridge_Agent_<version>_<Date>_<OS>_<Architecture>.zip.

    For example,

  2. Double-click install.exe. The InstallAnywhere pop-up appears preparing to install.

  3. On the Agent Details screen, enter the Agent details as explained below.

    • This screen appears only when the value for the agent properties are not defined in file available in the installer zip file.

    • When you are defining the agent properties in file, ensure that you have defined either all or none of them.

    Enter the details in the fields as per the description given in the table below:

    Agent IdUnique Id of the agent.
    Agent LocationThe location where the agent is installed.
    Hub URLURL of the Hub.
    User NameHub user name.
    PasswordHub password.
  4. Click Next

  5. On the Pre-Installation Summary screen, click Install.

  6. On the Installation Complete screen, click Done to exit from the installation wizard.

    The installation of SecureBridge Agent is now complete. 

    The default credentials to log in to SecureBridge Agent are:

    User Id: admin
    Password: indigo1

Installing on Windows using Command Line Interface (CLI)

This section guides you on how to install the SecureBridge Agent from the Windows CLI.

Before you begin to install:

Follow the steps below to complete the installation:

  1. Unzip the zip file. The format of the zip file is: SecureBridge_Agent_<version>_<Date>_<OS>_<Architecture>.zip.

    For example,

  2. Open command prompt and then go to the directory where you have extracted the zip file.
  3. Type the command install.exe -i console.
  4. Pass the following arguments to the install.exe command

    -DAgentIDUnique Id of the agent.
    -DAgentLocationThe location where the agent is installed.
    -DHubURLURL of the Hub.
    -DAgentManagerUserHub user name.
    -DAgentManagerPasswordHub password.

    For example, install.exe -i console -DAgentID=<Unique Id of the agent> -DAgentLocation=<agent location> -DHubURL=<Hub URL> -DAgentManagerUser=<Hub user name> -DAgentManagerPassword=<Hub Password>

    • If you have already defined any of the agent properties in file, you do not need to provide that argument again in the installation command.
    • The value for the agent properties defined in the file are overridden by the value given for those properties as a command line argument.
  5. Press Enter.
    This starts the installation process to install SecureBridge Agent on your system.

  6. Once the installation is complete, the Installation wizard closes automatically.

Installing on Linux

This section guides you on how to install the SecureBridge Agent in Linux environment. Before you start installing, refer to deployment architecture and system requirements.

Follow the steps below to complete the installation:

  1. Unzip the zip file. The format of the zip file is: SecureBridge_Agent_<version>_<Date>_<OS>_<Architecture>.zip.

    For example,
  2. Open the Terminal and then go to the directory where you have extracted the zip file.
  3. Type the command chmod +x install.bin to get the execution permission on installer file.
  4. Type the command ./install.bin.
  5. Pass the following arguments to the ./install.bin command:

    For example, ./install.bin -DAgentID=<Unique Id of the agent> -DAgentLocation=<agent location> -DHubURL=<Hub URL> -DAgentManagerUser=<Hub user name> -DAgentManagerPassword=<Hub Password>.

    Click here to know more about the arguments' possible values.
    • If you have already defined any of the agent properties in file, you do not need to provide that argument again in the installation command.
    • The value for the agent properties defined in the file are overridden by the value given for those properties as a command line argument.
  6. Press Enter.
    This starts the installation process to install SecureBridge Agent on your system.

  7. Once the installation is complete, the Installation wizard closes automatically.

After the installation is complete, you need to perform the following steps to start the SecureBridge Agent.

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Go to the directory ...<SecureBridgeInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel.
  3. Type ./ to start.
If you want to stop the SecureBridge Agent, type ./

Configuring file

Before you begin to install the SecureBridge Agent, you can configure the following properties in file. This file lies in the installer zip folder. 

  • Install Folder: 

  • Configure Mail
  • Configure Kernel and Web Server
  • Configure Auto Startup
  • Configure Agent
  • Configure Launch Now