Cleaning up Application Logs
Adeptia Connect maintains the logs of Kernel and WebRunner in the KernelaApplication.log and Webrunnerapplication.log files respectively stored at .../AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/logs/applicationlogs folder. When any of these log files reaches the specified maximum size then Adeptia Connect renames the log file by appending it with a date-time stamp and creates a new file by the original name. By default, the maximum size specified for these files is 20MB.
These logs file can cause issues if they accumulate over a long period of time. Adeptia Connect has a Cleanup task that is scheduled to run at a specified time to clean up these files that are older than a specified number of days. By default, this cleanup runs at 3 AM daily and deletes the log files that are older than 5 days. You can configure the cleanup schedule and retain time by performing the following steps:
- Login to Adeptia Connect.
- Go to Configure Tab and click Developer Studio.
- Click Proceed to access Developer Studio.
- Click Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.
- Expand Maintainance > Data Cleanup Properties.
Change the value of the following properties as per your need.
Property Name
abpm.appmanagement.cleanupCronExpression Define the time in Cron expression when you want to run the cleanup. For example, for 3 AM, you need to define 0 0 3 * * ?. For information on how to define the Cron expression, click here. abpm.appmanagement.retainTime Define the retain time for log files. By default, the value of this property is set to 5 days. - Click Save to save the changes.
Restart Kernel and WebRunner.