Managing User Privileges

Managing User Privileges

There are four types of users in Adeptia Suite (AIS) namely, System Admin, Group Admin, Developer, and Business User. Whereas, in Adeptia Connect (AC) you can only configure three types of users: System Admin, IT User, and Business User.

Following is the table maps AIS users with the users of Adeptia Connect. This information will help you while configuring LDAP in Adeptia Connect with pre-existing users in AIS LDAP.

AIS User RoleCorresponding Role in Adeptia Connect
System AdminSystem Admin
Group AdminIT User
DeveloperBusiness User
Business UserNA

Providing a Different User role in Adeptia Connect 

If you want to configure an AIS user as a user other than its corresponding role (from the aforementioned table) in Adeptia Connect, then you should configure that user in the relevant property.  

For example, if you want your Adeptia Suite Developer User to be configured as an IT User in Adeptia Connect then you need to configure the group name in the abpm.ldap.group.itUsers property. Users of this group will be treated as IT Users in Adeptia Connect after logging in.

To configure the name in the property:

  1. Go to Administer > Setup > Application Settings.
  2. Click Update System Properties.
  3. Expand Systems > LDAP Authentication.

  4. Type the LDAP group name to be treated as IT Users in the abpm.ldap.group.itUsers property.   

  5. Click Save to save the changes.
  6. Restart Kernel and WebRunner to bring the configuration changes into effect.

In a similar way, you can configure other AIS users as a System Admin user, or Developer, or Business User in the following properties:

          For System Admin User

  • abpm.ldap.administratorUsers
  • abpm.ldap.administratorGroups

    For Developer User
  • abpm.ldap.developerUsers
  • abpm.ldap.developerGroups

    For Business User
  • abpm.ldap.businessUsers
  • abpm.ldap.businessGroups


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