Understanding Excel Layout Builder

Understanding Excel Layout Builder

Excel Layout Home Screen

The Excel Layout screen is divided into following sections:

  • Toolbar

  • Definition Panel

  • File View Area

  • Details Panel


Options of the Tool bar are explained in the table below.







Save Layout

To save the Excel layout.

File View

To view the uploaded Excel file.

Data View

To view, edit, and delete the Table Data and Control Total of Excel Layout.

XSD View

To view and download the XSD format of Excel Layout.

Test Layout

To test the similar layout as per the structure defined and generates the output and error files.


To check the help documentation for Excel Layout.


Displays the control total and table data.

You can also get this tool bar in File View area:







Zoom Out

To zoom out the excel file in File View area.

Zoom In

To zoom in the excel file in File View area.

Reset View

To reset the excel layout.


To select the specific sheet of excel layout.

Definition Panel

This panel contains the list of properties that are used to define the excel layout.






Name of the Excel layout. Only alphanumeric and underscore are allowed and you must start the layout name with an alphabet or underscore.


Description of the Excel layout. Only alphanumeric and few special characters(_ - . : , @ $ ? \\ and space) are allowed and you must start the description with an Alphabet/Underscore/Number.

Schema Type

Specify the type of layout. By default, Schema Type field reflects the same layout type which you are creating.

Data Header Present

Check this if you want to add the titles of the fields in your excel file.

Select File

Browse to upload the excel file.


Reflects the number of sheets of uploaded excel in the drop-down list.

Reference Schema Type

Specify the reference schema for the current layout.

Reference Schema

Displays the defined reference schema in the drop-down list.


Specify the project for excel layout. This option is visible only when GAC is enabled.

Row Start Position

Row Start Position specifies which row of the Excel Sheet is counted as first row.

Column Start Position

This specifies the column start position of Excel Sheet.

Bottom Row Skip Count

To skip certain bottom row from the excel file then define the row count from Bottom Row Skip Count field.

Handle Enclosing Character

Define the Character-set encoding for your excel layout from the drop-down list of Character Set Encoding field. The available options are UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1.

Allow Less Field

Check this if you want to generate empty fields when record data length is less than defined in schema.

Filter Blank Row(s)

Check this if you want to filter blank row(s) from the source file. This option is applicable only when you use the layout at source end.

Restrict Extra Field

Select this option to validate the number of headers of the input file with the schema.

Match Header Names

Select this option to validate the header names of the input file with layout.

Allow Ignore Case

Select this option to ignore the casing mismatches in the header of the layout and the data file..This option can be enabled only if you have checked Dynamic Header Support or Match Header Names validations.

Optimize XLSX File Processing

Select this option if you want to process an .xlsx file in streaming mode. Selecting this option would process large *.xlsx files without consuming much memory

Filter Invalid XML Character

Select this option if you want to replace xml invalid character.

Dynamic Header Present

Select this option to insert the data of input file under the same header name as defined in the layout.


File View Area

File View area is the area where an excel sheet is displayed. You can select the row and column to define the table data and control total of the excel layout. The file view area can also be resized using zoom in/zoom out icon from toolbar.

Details Panel

Detail Panel displays the defined table data and control total of the excel layout.


Next Step

Creating an Excel Layout Using Layout Builder