

Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages, and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

For more information, click here.

Field (Account) Information

While configuring the Source or Destination of a Template or Transaction, you need to create an account to configure your application with Adeptia Connect. While creating an account, you need to specify the location from where Adeptia Connect will access the data.

Click  to add an account.

Specify the following information for Facebook:

Field Name


Field Name


Account Name

A short, descriptive name that helps you re-use this account in future.

Click Continue. The Facebook account login page opens in a new window.

Log in with your email and password. If you do not have a Facebook account, click Sign up for Facebook

The fields are self-explanatory. Fill in the fields and click Sign Up to create your Facebook account.


A Trigger specifies when a particular Transaction will start executing. While configuring the Source of a Template, you need to choose an event.

Following triggers are available for Facebook at Source.

Trigger Name


Trigger Name


New Tagged Photo of You

Triggers when someone tags you in a photo.

Photo Posted by You

Triggers when you post a new photo to your timeline or profile.

Post to Your Timeline

Triggers when you or someone posts on your timeline.

Video Posted by You

Triggers when you post a video to your timeline.


An Action specifies how the data will be transferred at the destination location. While configuring the Destination (Target) of a Template, you need to choose an action.

Following actions are available for Facebook at Destination.  

Action Name


Action Name


Post to Timeline

Creates a post on your timeline.

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