Value Map

Value Map

The Value Map feature enables you to define a Map set for a particular value of an element. A Map set enables you to define the mapping values that will be used in the target layout against the values of the elements present in the source layout.

For example, if you have a source layout, which has an element, Priority and this element stores the priority levels for the incoming emails and can have the values, Low, Medium, and High, you may want to create a Map set for these values and map the values in the target layout as:

  • For the source element 'High', the Map value for the target element will be 'H'.
  • For the source element 'Low', the Map value for the target element will be 'L'.
  • For the source element 'Medium', the Map value for the target element will be 'M'.

Creating a Value Map in the following example case can also help you do the mapping easily. Assume that at source, the Name element has John, Smith, Daniel, and Michael as values. You may want to map John and Smith with Walter and Robert as the values in the Name element at the destination. This can be done using Value Map feature.

For the other values (Daniel and Michael), either provide the default value or click Pick From Source check box to map the same value as appearing at Source. If you provide the default value, then the same value will be mapped to other values. For instance, if you provide Paul as the default value, then Paul will be mapped to Daniel and Michael at the destination.

This page contains the following information:

Scope of a Value Map

You can also select the scope of a Value Map at the time of defining and saving it. Scope of Value Map is the context within which it is defined and can be accessible within or across the user groups. A Value Map can be defined in any of the following scope:

  • Global: The Value Maps defined within Global scope are available within all the mappings. 
  • Group: The Value Maps defined within Group scope are available only within the specific user group.
  • Project: The Value Maps can be defined to be a part of a project in the web mapper. A user can access the Value Map if the user has got access to that project.

The newly created Value Map is added and displayed in the Parameters panel at the following locations based on the selected scope:

  • If you select to save the Value Map within the Global scope, it is displayed under this hierarchy Value Map/Global.
  • If you select to save the Value Map within the Group scope, it is displayed under this hierarchy Value Map/Group.
  • If you select to save the Value Map within the Project scope, it is displayed under this hierarchy Value Map/Project.

You can also change the scope of a Value Map from Group to Global directly from the Parameters Panel by right-clicking the Value Map and selecting the Move to Global option. However, you cannot change the scope of a Value Map from Global to Group. 

Creating a Value Map

You can create a Value Map by:

  • Manually providing the mapping values that will be used in the target layout against the values of the elements present in the source layout in the Value Map window.
  • Defining the mapping values that will be used in the target layout against the values of the elements present in the source layout in a CSV file and then loading the CSV file. Loading a CSV file is useful when you have a large set of values to be mapped.

You have two ways to create a Value Map:

  1. Follow this sequence of steps - Configure > DATA TRANSFORMATION > Value Map > Create Value Map
  2. On the mapping screen, in the Parameters panel, click the Add Parameters  and then select Value Map option.

This document describes the second option in detail in the following sections. Note that the steps for defining the Value Map in both the ways remain the same. 

Creating a Value Map manually

  1. Ensure that the source and target layouts are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. In the Parameters panel, click the Add Parameters and then select the Value Map option. 
  3. Select the scope of the Value Map.
    By default, Global is selected and a Value Map is saved in the Global scope.

    If you want to save the Value Map within the current user group, select the Group option.  Or, select the Project option if you want to save the Value Map within the Project scope.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of Value Map.

  5. In the row, under the Value column, enter the source element for which you want to define the map set (value). 
  6. In the row, under the Map column, enter the map set (value) against the respective source elements.  

    To add an additional row of value map pair, click Add Row
  7. You can also provide the default Map value in the Default Value field. In case, at the source side any value is not provided then the value provided in the Default Value field will be mapped to the target element.
  8. Select the Pick from Source check box if you want to use the source element as the map value for the target element or if you do not want to use the default value as the Map value.

    If you want to delete any row, select the respective row and click Delete icon.
  9. Click Save.

Creating a Value Map using a CSV file

The Value Map feature also enables you to load a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. You can use the set of values from the csv file which are separated by comma as a Map set for your process flow. For example, if you want to change the values defined for the priority of mail as:

  • For the source element 'High', the Map value for the target element is 'H'.
  • For the source element 'Low', the Map value for the target element is 'L'.
  • For the source element 'Medium', the Map value for the target element is 'M'.

Then, you can define the set of values in a csv file as:
Low, L
Medium, M
High, H 

Follow the steps below to create a Value Map using the CSV file:

  1. On the Create New Value Map screen, in the Name filed, enter the name of the Value Map.
  2. Click Upload CSV, navigate to and select the respective CSV file, and then click Open to upload a CSV file. This will populate the Value and Map columns.

    The server will consider the comma-separated pair of values as the target element and its mapped value.
  3. Select the Scope of the Value Map.
  4. In the Default Value field, enter the default value.

  5. Select the Pick from Source check box, if required.
  6. Click Save.

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