
Index-based search helps you fetch search results quickly, as it brings the results from already indexed entities. Indexing would work both for Advanced and normal Search: for this indexing has to be enabled in Adeptia Connect.

Indexed based search helps you to fetch the search results quickly. However, it has an impact on the Template/Transaction wizard and its execution time.

It is recommended not to use indexed based search as it may impact the performance of Adeptia Connect.

Login to Adeptia Connect.To enable indexing:

  1. Go to Configure Tab and Click Developer Studio.
  2. Click Proceed to access Developer Studio.
  3. Click Administer Tab in Developer Studio.
  4. Go to Setup > Application Properties > Update System Properties.
  5. In Update System Properties, click Adeptia Connect to view the Indexing property.

  6. Set the value as true in abm.connect.indexbasedsearch.enable to enable indexing. Set the value to false if you want to disable the indexing.
  7. Provide the path where the system will store indexed files in apbm.connect.advancedsearch.index.base property. In the case of clustered deployment of Adeptia Connect, it should be a shared path.
  8. Log out from Adeptia Connect and restart Kernel & WebRunner to implement the changes.