While using SAML SSO to log in to the system, the SAML response can be interpreted to change the default behavior to make the user log in to a specific company/partner in a specific role. Adeptia Connect allows you to do this by implementing a custom class to read and authenticate the users information. You need to define a new Java class and place that in the customClasses folder.
This option lets you:
Access custom attributes and relay state information present in the SAML response
Provide a specific company/partner and also a specific role for logged in user
Provide a redirect URL to which user will be redirected after successful login
Follow the steps below to create the custom class:
Create a new Java class that implements the below interface.
This interface provides the ability to define a custom implementation for providing the authenticated user information.
SAML SSO Authentication Interface
SAML SSO Authentication Interface
package com.adeptia.indigo.security.saml;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.security.core.Authentication;
* This interface provides the ability to define a custom implementation for
* providing the authenticated user information.
* The contract accepts the Authentication Object as an input which contains all
* the information of authenticated user received as a part of SAML response.
* The output delivered is the User's attributes and Target URL.
* @author Ranjit
public interface SAMLSSOAuthenticationUserDetails {
* Prepare the {@link SubjectInfo} for the authenticated User
* @param authentication
* Represents the token for an authentication request or for an
* authenticated principal
* @return The authenticated Subject attributes : user, Group, associated
* partner and associated role
public SubjectInfo getSubjectInfo(Authentication authentication);
* The URL the SP should redirect the user once the SSO completes.
* Generally the relay state present into SAML message specify the URL to which
* the user is to be redirected.
* @param authentication
* Represents the token for an authentication request or for an
* authenticated principal
* @return the relative URL fragment identifier( value after hash #) or the
* complete absolute URL. The value assumed to be absolute URL if it
* starts with http:// or https://, otherwise the value is considered as
* Fragment identifier.
public String getRedirectUrl(Authentication authentication);
* The user attributes received as a part of SAML assertions.
* The user attributes Map to be returned should have Keys in String format and
* values as Serializable objects.
* @param authentication
* Represents the token for an authentication request or for an
* authenticated principal
* @return the user attributes Map
public Map<String, String> getAttributes(Authentication authentication);
Expand 'SAML User Details IMPL' for an example of implementation class: