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If you want to access Adeptia Connect on HTTPS protocol then you need to configure SSL certificate in Adeptia Connect. You need to generate SSL certificate using Java Keytool only. 

Configuring SSL


certificate on Connect Server 

To generate SSL certificate:

  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Go to the directory where JRE is installed (for example,<ConnectServerInstallFolder>/jre/bin).
  3. Run the following Keytool command to create a Keystore for Connect Server with a self signed certificate or CA signed certificate.

    titleFor self signed certificate
    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize> -ext SAN=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine>,dns:<domain_name>


    <keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.

    <alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.

    <keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.

    <password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.

    <days> are the number of days certificate will expire.

    <keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.

    <IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine> is the IP address hosting Connect Server.

    <domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using. It is not necessary to use the domain name in the command above. However, for easy identification, it is recommended to use the domain name.

    For example,

    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=ip:

    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=dns:localhost

    titleFor CA signed certificate

    To generate SSL certificate for Jetty with a CA signed certificate:

    1. Generate Keystore
      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize>


      <keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.

      <alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.

      <keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.

      <password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.

      <days> are the number of days certificate will expire.

      <keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.

      For example,

      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048

      If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating Keystore.

      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize>
      -ext SAN=ip:<IP_Address_of_Adeptia_Suite_machine>

      where <IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine> is the IP address hosting Adeptia Suite.

    2. Generate CSR from the generated Keystore
      1. Run the following Keytool command to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

        keytool.exe -certreq -alias <alias_name> -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass <password>

        This command will generate a <domainname>.csr file to sign from CA.

      If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating CSR for the Keystore.

      keytool.exe -certreq -alias server -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass changeit -ext san=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine>

      Send this CSR to your CA to generate SSL certificate. After your SSL certificate is generated, you need to import the certficate in the Java Keystore.

    3. Import CA Signed SSL Certificate into Java Keystore

      You might get multiple SSL certificates from your CA. You need to import all these SSL certificates into your Keystore. Ensure that you use the same Keystore that is used in generating CSR while importing SSL certificates.

      1.   Import Trusted Root certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks

      2.   Import Intermediate certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias intermediate -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks

      3.   Import domain certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks 


           <certificate_name> is the name of the CA certificate. 

           <domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using.  

    While executing the command, you will be prompted to provide other details. The default password is changeit. You can change the password. Note the Keystore password for future references.

  4. Copy this Keystore (certs.jks) at the location (<ConnectServerInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc/jetty).
  5. From the same folder location, open jetty.xml file and register the Keystore entry in the file. In the sslContextFactory section, add the path of the Keystore and the Keystore password (password chosen while creating Keystore).

  6. Save the file.
  7. Restart Connect Kernel and Connect WebRunner.

Configuring SSL


certificate on Connect Portal

To generate SSL certificate:

  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Go to the directory where JRE is installed (for example, <ConnectPortalInstallFolder>/jre/bin).
  3. Run the following Keytool command to create a Keystore for Connect Portal with a self signed certificate or CA signed certificate.

    titleFor self signed certificate
    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize> -ext SAN=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Portal_machine>,dns:<domain_name>


    <keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.

    <alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.

    <keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.

    <password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.

    <days> are the number of days certificate will expire.

    <keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.

    <IP_Address_of_Connect_Portal_machine> is the IP address hosting Connect Server.

    <domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using. It is not necessary to use the domain name in the command above. However, for easy identification, it is recommended to use the domain name.

    For example,

    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=ip:

    keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigncert -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -ext san=dns:localhost

    titleFor CA signed certificate

    To generate SSL certificate for Connect Portal with a CA signed certificate:

    1. Generate Keystore
      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize>


      <keyalg> specifies the algorithm to be used to generate a key pair.

      <alias_name> is a unique string to identify the Keystore.

      <keystore_name> is the location and filename where you want to store the generated key.

      <password> is the password to protect the private key of the generated key pair, default is changeit.

      <days> are the number of days certificate will expire.

      <keysize> specifies the size of each key to be generated.

      For example,

      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore C:/certs.jks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -keysize 2048

      If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating Keystore.

      keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg <keyalg> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name> -storepass <password> -validity <days> -keysize <keysize>
      -ext SAN=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Portal_machine>

      where <IP_Address_of_Connect_Portal_machine> is the IP address hosting Connect Portal.

    2. Generate CSR from the generated Keystore
      1. Run the following Keytool command to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

        keytool.exe -certreq -alias <alias_name> -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass <password>

        This command will generate a <domainname>.csr file to sign from CA.

      If you are using multiple domain names for the same certificate then you need to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) while generating CSR for the Keystore.

      keytool.exe -certreq -alias server -file <domainname>.csr -keystore <keystore_name>.jks -storepass changeit -ext san=ip:<IP_Address_of_Connect_Server_machine>

      Send this CSR to your CA to generate SSL certificate. After your SSL certificate is generated, you need to import the certficate in the Java Keystore.

    3. Import CA Signed SSL Certificate into Java Keystore

      You might get multiple SSL certificates from your CA. You need to import all these SSL certificates into your Keystore. Ensure that you use the same Keystore that is used in generating CSR while importing SSL certificates.

      1.   Import Trusted Root certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks

      2.   Import Intermediate certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias intermediate -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks

      3.   Import domain certificate into Java Keystore

      keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file <certificate_name>.crt -keystore <domain_name>.jks 


           <certificate_name> is the name of the CA certificate. 

           <domain_name> is the name of the domain you are using.  

    While executing the command, you will be prompted to provide other details. The default password is changeit. You can change the password. Note the Keystore password for future references.

  4. Copy this Keystore (certs.jks) at the location (…/<ConnectPortalInstallFolder>/keystore).
  5. Go to …/<ConnectPortalInstallFolder>/conf and open server.xml in the Text Editor.
  6. Update the Keystore entry in the server.xml file and add the path of KeystoreFile and KeystorePass (password chosen while creating Keystore). 
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    If the keystore password contains any of following characters then it needs to be escaped with the value mentioned next to it.


    For example, if the keystore password is p@ssw0rd&123! then it has to be defined as p@ssw0rd&amp;123!


    For better performance of Tomcat, refer to Performance Tuningtuning for tuning other parameters.
  7. Save the file.
  8. Restart Connect Portal.

Automatic HTTP to

HTTPS Redirection

HTTPS redirection in Connect Portal

If you want to access Adeptia Connect on HTTPS only then you need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS automatically. To enable automatic redirect:

  1. Go to …/<ConnectPortalInstallFolder>/conf.
  2. Open web.xml file.
  3. Uncomment the below security constraint within </web-app> and save the file.


              <web-resource-name>Protected Context</web-resource-name>




To verify whether you have configured SSL certificate in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Open the browser and hit the URL to access Adeptia Connect using https protocol.
  2. Adeptia Connect login page appears. Verify your certificate by checking https protocol color in the address bar. If you have used CA signed certificate then https protocol will be green in color  () . However, if you have used self signed certificate then https protocol will be red in color ().

Next step

Configuring SSL Handshake between Connect Server and Connect Portal


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