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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

This section assists you in restoring the objects. Before start restoring, ensure that you have run the Migration utility and selected Migration option to migrate the objects.

  1. Type 3 to Import/Restore and Press ENTER.

  2. Select the appropriate action and press ENTER.




    Migrates Database object, Data Files, and configuration filefiles.

    Database Objects includes includes Activities, Process Flows, Users and Groups etc, and Groups, and so on.
    Data Files includes includes Data Dictionary XSDs, Custom Methods and WSDL etc, and WSDL, and so on.
    Configuration Files includes Serverserver-Configureconfigure.Propertiesproperties, and Launcher etc.
    If you select All and click Next, two options are displayed. Those options are given below:
    Skip Configuration File: Select this option if you want to migrate only Database Objects and Data Files and not the Configuration Files.
    Include Configuration Files: Select this option if you want to migrate all Database Objects, Data Files and Configuration Files.and so on.

    Only Database

    Migrates only Database database objects. Data Files and Configuration file are not migrated using this option.

    Only Configuration File

    Migrates only Configuration Files. Database Objects and Data Files are not migrated using this option.

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    configuration files.

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  3. Type whether you want to skip or include configuration files and press ENTER. This option appears if you have selected All action in the previous step.

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  4. Type the source directory with the zip file name and press ENTER. 

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  5. Provide Type the directory where the target system environment of the Adeptia Server is installed and press ENTER.

  6. Depending on the option (All, Only Database, and Only Configuration Files) selected in step 2, the next option differdiffers.

    1. In case you have selected For All, all objects are deployed at the in the target environment.
    2. In case you have selected Only DatabaseFor Only Database option, then the list of all the tables of the Adeptia Server appears. In case you have selected You need to type the options to restore and press ENTER.

    3. For Only Configuration Files, then the  the list of all the configuration files for all objects of the Adeptia Server appears. You need to type the options to restore and press ENTER

      All objects that are prefixed with ABPM are quartz tables. These tables and the dt_properties objects are listed in case of the SQL Server database. It is recommended not to restore these objects as the migration process is likely to fail in such a case, as all tables in the source and target databases should be the same. If they are different then deselect the log objects such as (AU_Log and AU_TransactionData) as it slows down the migration process.
  7. Provide the data file number. You can also provide more than one number separated by comma (,), range (1-10) or a combination of both (1,2, 5-9, 13).

  8. Press ENTER to start importing/restoring. If it is successful, a message stating,
    1. are same.

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  9. A message "Selected database/configuration tables restored successfully" appears confirming tables/files are restored successfully. In case of failure, it displays an error message and rollbacks the entire operation.

  10. Press ENTER to exit from the utility.