Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

What's New in this Release?

  • Support to Create Process Flow from Manage Objects
    You can now open the process designer (PD) applet directly from Manage Objects page to create a Process flow. Visit the documentation to know how to open PD applet. (ACE-3945)

  • Support to Create Mapping from Manage Objects
    You can now create now directly open mapping applet from Adeptia Connect UI from Manage Objects page to create a Mapping. /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/660462 to know how to open data mapper applet. (ACE-4829)

  • Support to View PDF Mapping Documentation
    You can now view the documentation of Mapping in the pdf format from Actions option in Mappings' listing on the Manage Objects page. (ACE-4824)

  • Support for Bulk User Creation using CSV File
    Admin User can now create bulk users by uploading a *.csv file with details of the users need to be added. (ACE-4934)

  • Support for SAML SSO Authentication
    You can now configure Single Sign-on (SSO) in Adeptia Connect, using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Refer to SAML SSO Integration Guide for more information. (ACE-4934)

  • Support for Multi-Mode Authentication
    Users can now log into to Adeptia connect using multi-mode the authentication such as LDAP and SAML. (ACE-4101) 

  • Support for Marketplace Exchange 
    An external or self-managed partner of the hub company can now view other partners from different Networks. Click here to know more about this feature. (ACE-4804)

  • Support of Multiple Translations in EDI Inbound
    Adeptia now allows the users to choose multiple EDI Translations while creating an EDI Inbound Transaction/Template. Click here to know more. (ACE-4796) 

  • Re-Run Support from Re-Run & Re-Transmit from EDI Dashboard 
    Following two options have been added on EDI Dashboard:
  • Support for a Variable Tracking from EDI Dashboard
    You can now do an advanced search based on the EDI Messages & EDI Transactions Track Variable from EDI Dashboard(ACE-4728)

  • Support to View Default Parameter while Adding a Partner or Creating a Transaction.

    If users set parameters while adding a Network or creating a Template, then they can also select one of those parameter parameters as default. This default value of the parameter will be displayed on the screen when user adds a partner to that parametrised parametrized network or creates a Transaction using the Template that used parameters. (ACE-4703) 

  • More Options in Visibility Control from Theme Settings
  • Adeptia connect empowers Admin User more by adding the following visibility controls from Theme Settings.
    • Hide or show Internal Networks to Business Users and Partners (ACE-4901)
    • Hide or show Prebuilt Templates (ACE-4900)
    • Hide or show Transactions Tab to Partners (ACE-4857)Partners 

  • Support of Amazon Redshift Connector
    Adeptia Connect now supports Amazon Redshift as a new application connector. (ACE-3531) 

Bug Fixes

Following Bugs have been fixed with this release:

  • While comparing a Post Process Template zip (in Migration Utility) where the Template had a Post Process Flow that calls/spawns a child flow, the child flow was not displayed on compare screen (ACE-4812).
  • While granting access to a Network, Internal Network remained visible in Grant Access window (ACE-5007).
  • In an LDAP-enabled scenario, the loading mask was displayed on connect login GUI after defining the username and password. This used to happen when Child domain was defined in provider URL and all other properties were defined with Parent domain and referral property was set as ignore (ACE-4855).
  • While executing the transaction using invalid xml file with validate xml check box as checked, then the Transaction used to get aborted and no error record file was generated on Dashboard (ACE-4546).
  • An error message 'Entity does not exist' was shown while editing a transaction with JDBC app at target, at select entity step and after next button was clicked (ACE-1613).
  • While creating and activating a transaction using Google Drive at source, transaction did not get activated even after clicking refresh (ACE-4840).
  • While creating relationship in a VAN Template, a blank page used to be displayed (ACE-4853).
  • At the source, whenever any Outbound transaction got aborted then error count was not updated at outbound donut chart on the overview page (ACE-4813).
  • In the Value Map creation window, no space was displayed between import CSV button & value map creation window (ACE-4803).

  • Numbers mentioned in the parens (ACE-1234) are for the internal reference, external users may avoid this information.
  • Click here to know about the enhancements view new features in Developer's Studio of Adeptia Connect.
