In a noninteractive mode, you can export the objects using export.xml file. Before start exporting, ensure that WebRunner is running. To export objects:
migrationutility.bat –export MigrationUtility/export.xml "C:/Program Files/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" "D:\" Here:
- "Migration Utility" is the folder within which exportwhich export.xml file xml file is placed.
- "C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite\AdeptiaSuite-6.2\AdeptiaServer" is the path of the build location till Adeptia Server.
- "D:\" is the path where you want to store your exported zip file along with the zip file name.
./ -export MigrationUtility/export.xml xml "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/"
- "Migration Utility" is the folder within which export.xml file is located.
- "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" is the path of the build location till Adeptia Server.
- "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/" is the path where you want to store your exported zip file along with the zip file name.