Data Interface is used to configure activities which can be overridden at execution time of the process flows. Using this interface, you can attach an event with the process flow and the activities that will be overridden at execution time of the process flows.
Data interface is used to process data of different formats using different schema and mapping. In this case, you don't have to create a different process flow for data of each format. You can use only one process flow and create data interfaces for each format of data. In data interface, you can choose the event, which will trigger the process flow, and the activities that will be overridden during the execution of the process flow when it is triggered by a particular event.
Steps to create Data Interface
On the Adeptia Suite home page, select the Source and Destination applications from the drop-down list box. Alternatively, on the Adeptia Suite homepage, go to Develop > Solutions > Data Interfaces and then click Create New.
- Click Salesforce_to_CSV.
- On the Edit Data Interfaces: Salesforce_Contacts_to_csv screen, Expand Source.
- In the My source layout details field, click . The AdvanceDbSchema window is displayed.
- Click in the Database Info field. The DatabaseConnectionInfo screen is displayed.
- Replace the sample URL values with your own values in the Server URLtextbox (refer Table 3: Server URL Pattern for help).
- Click Save.
Click Next.
Type the name and description of the new Data Interface Configuration in the Name and Description text boxes.
Expand Source. Details related to the source of the data interface activity are displayed.
Select the values for the Trigger, My source layout details, and My source location details from the drop-down list.
Info |
The fields and their respective values in the drop-down list might change depending on the selected application. |
The following table show the possible values for various source applications.
Source Application | Trigger | My Source Layout is |
FTP | FTP Event |
File | File Event |
Mail Event |
| |
IDoc | SAP Server | SAP IDOC Schema |
Box/DropBox/ | Application Event |
Source Application | Trigger | My Source Layout details | My Source Location Details |
| Calendar event | Advance Database Schema | Advance Database Source |
If the Trigger does not exist in the Trigger drop-down list, click to create a new one. Clickto edit an existing one.
Info |
For information on how to create a Trigger, refer to Creating Triggers and Events. |
If an Advance Database Schema does not exist in the My Source Layout details drop-down list, click to create a new one. Clickto edit an existing one.
To create a new Database Info while creating a schema, select.
Info |
In the Server URL text box, the URL is displayed as per your selected application. Replace the sample values of the URL fields with your own values in the Server URL text box. |
title | Using Vault |
JDBC Driver | URL Format |
Amazon DynamoDB | jdbc:dynamodb:Access Key=<Access Key>;Secret Key=<Secret Key>;Domain=<Domain>;Region=<Region>; |
Amazon Simple DB | jdbc:simpledb:Access Key=< Access Key >;Secret Key=<Secret Key>; |
Apache Cassandra | jdbc:Cassandra:Database=<MyCassandraDB>;Port=<Port>;Server=<Server>; Here: <Server> is the server that is authenticating to the Apache Cassandra. <Port> is the port number for the user connecting Apache Cassandra. <Database> is the access database that is authenticating the Apache Cassandra. |
Azure Table | jdbc:azure:Access Key=<Access Key>;Account= <Account Name> Here: <Access Key> is your Azure account access key. This value is accessible from Microsoft Azure Portal. <Account Name> is your account name used to login Azure. |
Dynamics GP | jdbc:dynamicsgp:user=<user>;password=<password>;URL=<URL>; |
Dynamics NAV | jdbc:dynamicsnav:user=<User>;password=<Password>;URL=<URL>;ServerInstance=<ServerInstance> Here: |
DynamicsCRM | jdbc:dynamicscrm:User=< User >;Password=< Password >;URL=< URL >;CRM Version=< CRM Version >; For CRM Online, the URL would look like< CRM Version > is the type of Dynamics CRM Server to which you are connecting. Accepted entries are: [CRM Online WLID, CRM Online Office 365, CRM 2011, CRM 2011 IFD, CRM 4.0, CRM 4.0 IFD, CRM 2013, CRM 2013 IFD] |
Eloqua | jdbc:eloqua:User=<user>;Password=<password>; Here: <User> is the user that is authenticating to the Eloqua. |
Google Analytics | jdbc:googleanalytics:OAuth Access Token=<myAccessToken>;Profile=<myProfile>; Here: <OAuthAccessToken> is the access token that is authenticating to the Google Analytics. |
Google BigQuery | jdbc:googlebigquery:OAuthAccessToken=<MyOAuthAccessToken>;ProjectId=<NameOfProject>; Here: <OAuthAccessToken> is the access token that is authenticating to the Google BigQuery. |
Google Spreadsheets | jdbc:googlesheets:user=< User >;password=< Password >;Spreadsheet=< Spreadsheet >; |
Hubspot | jdbc:hubspot:OAuth Access Token=<Access token>;HubId=<MyHubId>; Here: <OAuth Access Token> is the token that is authenticating to the HubSpot. |
Marketo | jdbc:marketo:Schema=<REST>;RESTEndpoint=<https://MyMarketoUrl/rest>;OAuthClientID=<MyOAuthClientId>; Here: <Schema> is the token that is authenticating to the Marketo. |
Mongo DB | jdbc:mongodb:Server=<Server>;Port=<Port>;Database=<Database Name>;User=<User>;Password=<Password>; Here: <Server> is the server that is authenticating to the Mongo DB. |
NetSuite | jdbc:netsuite:Account Id=< Account Id >;Password=< Password >;User=< User >;Role Id=< Role Id >;Version=< Version >;Location=< Location >; |
OData | jdbc:odata:user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >; |
OFX | jdbc:ofx:OFXUser=< OFXUser >;OFXPassword=< OFXPassword >;FIID=< FIID >; |
OpenLDAP | jdbc:ldap:user=< User >;password=< Password >;server=< Server >;port=< Port >;version=< Version >;BaseDN=< BaseDN >; Active directory jdbc:ldap:user=< User >;password=< Password >;server< Server >;port=< Port >;BaseDN=< BaseDN >; Here: |
QuickBooks | jdbc:quickbooks:Schema=< Schema >;user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >; |
RSS Feeds | jdbc:rss:user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >; |
SalesForce | jdbc:salesforce:User=< User >;Password=< Password >;Security Token=< Security Token >; |
SAPNetWeaver | jdbc:sap:Host=< Host >;User=< User >;Password=< Password >;Client=< Client >;System Number=< System Number >;ConnectionType=< Connection Type >;Location=< Location > |
SharePoint | jdbc:sharepoint:user=< User >;password=< Password >;Auth Scheme=< Auth Scheme >;URL=< URL >; |
If an Advance Database Source does not exist in the My Source Location details drop-down list, click to create a new one. To edit an existing one, click.
Info |
For information on how to create an Advanced Database Source, refer to Creating Source Activity. |
Target Application | Convert source to this target layout | My Target Location Details |
| FTP Target |
File |
| File Target |
| LAN File Target |
| Mail Target | |
Box |
| Box Target |
DropBox |
| DropBox Target |
GoogleDrive |
| GoogleDrive Target |
Info |
If you select an IDOC as a Target Application, the allowed value in the My Target Layout details is a SAP IDOC Schema and that in the My Target Location Details field is a SAP Client. |
The following table lists the applications that use Advance Database Schema and Advance Database Target as values in the My Target Layout details, and My Target Location Details.
Target Application | My Target Layout details | My Target Location Details |
| Advance Database Schema | Advance Database Target |
Info |
Values for My Target Layout Details are displayed according to your Target Layout selection. |
Select the mapping activity to map fields of selected source and target schemas in the Use this mapping for data conversion drop-down list.
- Go to Internet Options > Privacy to disable the pop-up blocker' check box.
- Go to Internet Options > Security tab > Custom Level button > to enable the Scripting of Java applets option (scroll down to search).
- Click OK.
1. Go to Settings > Click the Show advanced settings option.
2. Go to Settings > Privacy and click the Content Settings button.
3. Go to Pop-Ups section (scroll down to search).
4. Select the Allow all sites to show pop-ups radio button.
5. Click Done.
Logging Levels | Description |
DEBUG | The DEBUG level logs fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug any problem. Debug level is useful for programmers. |
INFO | The INFO level logs informational messages that highlight the progress of Process Flow execution. In INFO, status (successful or failure) of each activity is shown. |
ERROR | In ERROR, the possible cause of failure of an activity is shown. |
Retention Option | Description |
DONTDELETE | Repository files are not deleted after execution of Process Flow. |
DELETE | Repository files are deleted after the Process Flow is executed. |
DELETE ON SUCCESS | Repository files are deleted only when the process flow is executed successfully and there is no error record. |
Info |
For more information, refer to Changing Advanced Properties. |
Activating the Data Interface
Select the Data Interface Activity and click Activate.
Following is the list of all context variables of services that can be overridden at runtime by using PutContextVar.
Service | Context Variables |
IndigoReport | TypedId sqlQuery |
Encryption | TypedId |
WebdavTarget | TypedId fileLocation fileName password secure serverName serverPort userId |
ExchangeServerTarget | TypedId cdoMachineName domainName mailboxName password serverName |
DatabaseSource | TypedId |
FileSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName filePath |
FtpTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePattern ftpProtectionLevel ftpTimeout ftpUserId hostName keyManager password port remoteFilePath transferMode transferType |
DashBoardDesign | TypedId |
MailTarget | TypedId cdoMachine dataLocation domain fileName hostName mailPriority mailSubject password port receiverEmailId secure securityType senderEmailId userId Service.mail_target_activity_name.bcc |
VLTraderAction | TypedId action hostName |
SecretKey | TypedId |
ContextDownload | TypedId |
DatabasePollingService | TypedId conditionValue dbtrigger expiryTime operators pollingFrequency sqlQuery triggerName |
ServicePermissionEntry | TypedId |
DataSecurity | TypedId action keyId keyManager privateKeyPassword typeOfDataSecurity keyFilePathprivateKeyPassword |
ContextUpload | TypedId |
DashBoardComponentCreation | TypedId |
WsRestConsumer | TypedId connectTimeout fileName oauthAccountID partName presentationParameterXML readTimeout resourceParameterXML restUrl signatureMethod |
TransactionTrigger | TypedId |
HTMLSchema | TypedId |
MessageComposer | TypedId |
TradingPartner | TypedId |
CustomService | TypedId |
EventRegistry | TypedId |
MessageExtractor | TypedId |
AdvancedDatabaseSource | TypedId dbConnectionInfo schemaTypedId |
SpazioSource | TypedId correlationID disposition extFileAttrList includeConsulted password queue queueMgr sender spazioAccount userID usrClass |
TextSchema | |
VLTraderSource | TypedId hostName |
LanFileSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName filePath fileSystem password secure useWindowsService userId |
CustomPlugin | TypedId |
HttpPost | TypedId postType rfcFormat url |
HttpSource | TypedId password secure url userId |
DatabaseConnectionInfo | TypedId appType |
DigitalCertificate | TypedId |
CopyActivity | TypedId |
Decryption | TypedId |
FtpSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName ftpProtectionLevel ftpTimeout ftpUserId hostName keyManager password port remoteFilePath transferMode transferType |
FileTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePath filePattern |
XMLSchema | TypedId |
JmsProvider | TypedId jmsServerType password |
WsRpcCall | TypedId callTimeout connectTimeout endPoint securityPolicy |
JmsSource | TypedId messageSelector messageType password queueOrTopic queueOrtopicName subscriberID timeOut userName |
XmlValidator | TypedId |
MailSource | TypedId bodyContentType cdoMachine dataLocation domain fileName hostName leaveCopyOnServer mailSubject password port protocol secure securityType senderEmail userId |
ProcessFlowTemplate | TypedId |
DataMapping | TypedId |
PositionalSchema | TypedId |
DatabaseTarget | TypedId |
JcaAdapter | TypedId |
AdvanceDbSchema | TypedId |
ScriptedRecord2RecordTransformer | TypedId |
WebdavSource | TypedId fileLocation fileName password secure serverName serverPort userId |
WsProvider | TypedId |
SpazioGovTarget | TypedId completionCode correlationId destinationEndpoint destinationFilename destinationRepository eventDescription eventType inheritGBIFileAttributes jobName reasonCode sender sourceEndpoint sourceFilename sourceRepository userId |
WsMessageCall | TypedId callTimeout connectTimeout endPoint securityPolicy |
MailPolling | TypedId cdoMachine domain expiryTime filterCriteria hostName leaveCopyOnServer mailContent mailPassword mailSubject mailUserId pollingFrequency port secure securityType senderEmail |
BpelProcess | TypedId |
BusinessRole | TypedId |
VLTraderTarget | TypedId fileName filePath hostName |
HumanInteraction | TypedId emailBody emailSubject hiReceiverRoles hiReceiverUsers repositoryFolder taskDescription taskPriority webFormTypeID |
AdvancedDatabaseTarget | TypedId dbConnectionInfo schemaTypedId |
DatabaseDriverInfo | TypedId |
JmsTarget | TypedId jmsCorrelationID jmsPriority jmsReplyTo messageDeliveryMode messagePropertiesXML messageTimeToLive messageType password queueOrTopic queueOrtopicName userName |
ExcelSchema | TypedId password |
LanFileTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePath filePattern fileSystem password secure useWindowsService userId |
EDISchema | TypedId |
MailNotification | TypedId fileName filePath mailReceiverUsers mailSubject message notificationCriteria notificationType receiverEmailIds |
NativeCall | TypedId arguments fileName workingDirectory |
FtpPollingService | TypedId expiryTime fileBaseLocation filterIn filterOut ftpPassword ftpProtectionLevel ftpUserId hostName keyManager pollingFrequency port stableTime transferType triggerType |
DbSchema | TypedId |
SpazioTarget | TypedId correlationID dataType destFileName eorType fileDescription password queue queueMgr
recordType sender spazioAccount userID usrClass |
ExchangeServerSource | TypedId cdoMachineName domainName mailboxName password serverName |
StoredProcedure | TypedId storedProcedureInOutParams storedProcedureInParams |
SecurityPolicy | TypedId |
FilePollingService | TypedId expiryTime fileBaseLocation filterIn filterOut password pollingFrequency secure stableTime triggerType useWindowsService userId |
AdvancePositionalSchema | TypedId |