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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

To restore the backup you need to use , use Migration Utility's Offline Migration option option available in Adeptia Suite. For detailed more information, refer to to Import/Restore section of this guide.


Anchor_Toc237851163_Toc237851163 Anchor_Toc241561117_Toc241561117 Anchor_Toc291511317_Toc291511317 Anchor_Ref312228895_Ref312228895 Anchor_Toc413766833_Toc413766833Installing Accelerators
Accelerators are the pre-build solutions that are provided for specific purposes. These accelerators are in the form zip file. Adeptia provides following accelerators:

  • EDI Accelerator
  • HL7 Accelerator
  • Netsuite Accelerator
  • Salesforce Accelerator




  1. Click Browse and select the zip of the accelerator that you want to install and click Next. The Select Target System screen is displayed (See Figure 59).


  1. Select the folder where Adeptia Suite is installed. For example C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite _ _AdeptiaSuite -6.2\AdeptiaServer\. Click Next.
  2. In case any configuration change is required in Adeptia Suite, the next screen displays those Parameters, where you can enter their values.


  1. Enter the required information and select Next. It starts the installation of accelerator. (see Figure 61 ).


  1. Click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.

You can also view the installation logs.
