Adeptia Suite maintains the archival of various log files on a separate server. These archival logs file can cause issues if they accumulate over a long period of time. Adeptia Suite has an archival log cleanup task that you can schedule to run at a specific time to clean up the archived files which are older than a specified number of days. By default, cleanup of archival logs happens after 30 days. It deletes all the logs and repository files that are older than 30 days. However, you can always configure the duration in the file.
To configure the archival logs cleanupAt times the automatic cleanup of data, log, and archive files can be interrupted due to some Process Flow execution or any other reason. In such a situation, you can easily reschedule the automatic cleanup of data, log, and archive files.
To configure the rescheduling of the cleanup process:
- Click Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.
- Expand Maintainance > Log Cleanup Properties ScheduleTasks.
Change the value of the following properties as per your need.
Save the fileProperty Name Description abpm.appmanagementautoRescheduleCleanup.archiveLogCleanupCronExpression Define the time in the Cron expression when you want to run the archive log cleanup. For example, for 8 PM you need to define 0 0 20 * * ?. For information on how to define the Cron expression, click here. abpm.appmanagement.archiveLogCleanupPropertiesFile Define the name of archive log cleanup properties file. file contains the retain information about different log tables. By default this file is located at .../AdeptiaServer-x.x/ServerKernel/etc folder. It is recommended that do not change the value of this property. - Click Save to save the changes.
- Restart Kernel and WebRunner.
To change the properties of file, go to .../AdeptiaServer-x.x/ServerKernel/etc/ file and change the properties as per your requirements. The below table shows the list of retain-time property of various logs within the file.
Property Name Logs abpm.archive.logRetainTime Defines the retain time for archive log. If you do not specify a value for it then it takes the default retain time of 30 days. abpm.archive.dataRetainTime Defines the retain time for archive data. If this property is left blank then retain time specified for log will be taken as data retain time. Info It is recommended to define same retain time for different logs to maintain the consistency within all logs. However, you can define different retain time for different logs.
enable Enable or disable automatic rescheduling of cleanup for data, log, and archive files. By default, the value is set to true abpm.autoRescheduleCleanup.pollingTime Defines the rescheduling time (in minutes) of the cleanup process for data, log, and archive files. By default, the value of this property is 60 minutes. - Click Save to save the changes.
Restart Kernel and WebRunner.