Info |
For more details on Log4j refer to http://logging.apache.org/log4j |
Anchor_Toc348218640 _Toc348218640
Anchor_Toc317761379 _Toc317761379
Anchor_Toc226191365 _Toc226191365
Anchor_Toc177977511 _Toc177977511
Anchor_Toc134848298 _Toc134848298
Anchor_Toc368410102 _Toc368410102
Anchor_Toc398804356 _Toc398804356
_Toc348218640 | |
_Toc348218640 |
_Toc317761379 | |
_Toc317761379 |
_Toc226191365 | |
_Toc226191365 |
_Toc177977511 | |
_Toc177977511 |
_Toc134848298 | |
_Toc134848298 |
_Toc368410102 | |
_Toc368410102 |
_Toc398804356 | |
_Toc398804356 |
Description | c3p0 Logging Library Name |
Default Value | com.mchange.v2.log.FallbackMLog |
Anchor_Toc348218642 _Toc348218642
Anchor_Toc368410104 _Toc368410104
Anchor_Toc398804358 _Toc398804358
_Toc348218642 | |
_Toc348218642 |
_Toc368410104 | |
_Toc368410104 |
_Toc398804358 | |
_Toc398804358 |
Description | This is the Log4j console Appender class |
Default Value | org.apache.log4j.consoleAppender |
Possible Values | Any implementation of console Appender |
Selection Criteria | ConsoleAppender appends log events to System.out or System.err using a layout specified by the user. The default target is System.out. |
Anchor_Toc348218646 _Toc348218646
Anchor_Toc317761382 _Toc317761382
Anchor_Toc226191368 _Toc226191368
Anchor_Toc177977514 _Toc177977514
Anchor_Toc134848301 _Toc134848301
Anchor_Toc368410108 _Toc368410108
Anchor_Toc398804362 _Toc398804362
Database Appender
_Toc348218646 | |
_Toc348218646 |
_Toc317761382 | |
_Toc317761382 |
_Toc226191368 | |
_Toc226191368 |
_Toc177977514 | |
_Toc177977514 |
_Toc134848301 | |
_Toc134848301 |
_Toc368410108 | |
_Toc368410108 |
_Toc398804362 | |
_Toc398804362 |
Description | This is the Log4j JDBC Appender class. |
Default Value | comorg.apache.log4j.jdbcplus.jdbcAppender |
Possible Values | Any implementation of JDBC Appender |
Selection Criteria | The JDBC Appender writes messages into a database via JDBC. Multiple configuration options and parameters are supported. |
Anchor_Toc348218648 _Toc348218648
Anchor_Toc317761384 _Toc317761384
Anchor_Toc226191370 _Toc226191370
Anchor_Toc177977516 _Toc177977516
Anchor_Toc134848303 _Toc134848303
Anchor_Toc368410110 _Toc368410110
Anchor_Toc398804364 _Toc398804364
_Toc348218648 | |
_Toc348218648 |
_Toc317761384 | |
_Toc317761384 |
_Toc226191370 | |
_Toc226191370 |
_Toc177977516 | |
_Toc177977516 |
_Toc134848303 | |
_Toc134848303 |
_Toc368410110 | |
_Toc368410110 |
_Toc398804364 | |
_Toc398804364 |
Description | Defines the JDBC URL of the log database |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | Any valid JDBC URL |
Selection Criteria | Specifies the JDBC URL to connect to log database. This property is automatically populated as per the value given in the Log Database Configuration step during installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218649 _Toc348218649
Anchor_Toc317761385 _Toc317761385
Anchor_Toc226191371 _Toc226191371
Anchor_Toc177977517 _Toc177977517
Anchor_Toc134848304 _Toc134848304
Anchor_Toc368410111 _Toc368410111
Anchor_Toc398804365 _Toc398804365
_Toc348218649 | |
_Toc348218649 |
_Toc317761385 | |
_Toc317761385 |
_Toc226191371 | |
_Toc226191371 |
_Toc177977517 | |
_Toc177977517 |
_Toc134848304 | |
_Toc134848304 |
_Toc368410111 | |
_Toc368410111 |
_Toc398804365 | |
_Toc398804365 |
Description | Database driver to connect to the log database. |
Default Value | As per the log database selected during installation. |
Possible Values | JDBC Driver of the log database, which is used to store the logs. |
Selection Criteria | This value is provided by the JDBC driver used to connect to the log database. This property is automatically populated as per the log database server type selected at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218650 _Toc348218650
Anchor_Toc317761386 _Toc317761386
Anchor_Toc226191372 _Toc226191372
Anchor_Toc177977518 _Toc177977518
Anchor_Toc134848305 _Toc134848305
Anchor_Toc368410112 _Toc368410112
Anchor_Toc398804366 _Toc398804366
_Toc348218650 | |
_Toc348218650 |
_Toc317761386 | |
_Toc317761386 |
_Toc226191372 | |
_Toc226191372 |
_Toc177977518 | |
_Toc177977518 |
_Toc134848305 | |
_Toc134848305 |
_Toc368410112 | |
_Toc368410112 |
_Toc398804366 | |
_Toc398804366 |
Description | Username to access the log database. |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | Any user name, which has permission to create tables, and insert records in the log database. |
Comments | This property is automatically populated as per the user name specified in the Log Database Configuration step at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218651 _Toc348218651
Anchor_Toc317761387 _Toc317761387
Anchor_Toc226191373 _Toc226191373
Anchor_Toc177977519 _Toc177977519
Anchor_Toc134848306 _Toc134848306
Anchor_Toc368410113 _Toc368410113
Anchor_Toc398804367 _Toc398804367
_Toc348218651 | |
_Toc348218651 |
_Toc317761387 | |
_Toc317761387 |
_Toc226191373 | |
_Toc226191373 |
_Toc177977519 | |
_Toc177977519 |
_Toc134848306 | |
_Toc134848306 |
_Toc368410113 | |
_Toc368410113 |
_Toc398804367 | |
_Toc398804367 |
Description | Password to access the log database |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | NA |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated using the password specified in the Log Database Configuration step at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218652 _Toc348218652
Anchor_Toc368410114 _Toc368410114
Anchor_Toc398804368 _Toc398804368
_Toc348218652 | |
_Toc348218652 |
_Toc368410114 | |
_Toc368410114 |
_Toc398804368 | |
_Toc398804368 |
Description | Log4j Rolling File Appender class |
Default Value | org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender |
Possible Values | Any implementation of FileAppender |
Selection Criteria | RollingFileAppender is used to backup the log files when they reach a certain size |
Anchor_Toc348218656 _Toc348218656
Anchor_Toc317761391 _Toc317761391
Anchor_Toc226191376 _Toc226191376
Anchor_Toc177977522 _Toc177977522
Anchor_Toc368410118 _Toc368410118
Anchor_Toc398804372 _Toc398804372
_Toc348218656 | |
_Toc348218656 |
_Toc317761391 | |
_Toc317761391 |
_Toc226191376 | |
_Toc226191376 |
_Toc177977522 | |
_Toc177977522 |
_Toc368410118 | |
_Toc368410118 |
_Toc398804372 | |
_Toc398804372 |
Description | Name of the file in which WebRunner logs are written |
Default Value | WebrunnerSystem.log |
Possible Values | Any valid file name with .log extension. |
Selection Criteria | Name of the file, in which webrunner logs are written. |
Anchor_Toc348218657 _Toc348218657
Anchor_Toc317761392 _Toc317761392
Anchor_Toc226191377 _Toc226191377
Anchor_Toc177977523 _Toc177977523
Anchor_Toc368410119 _Toc368410119
Anchor_Toc398804373 _Toc398804373
_Toc348218657 | |
_Toc348218657 |
_Toc317761392 | |
_Toc317761392 |
_Toc226191377 | |
_Toc226191377 |
_Toc177977523 | |
_Toc177977523 |
_Toc368410119 | |
_Toc368410119 |
_Toc398804373 | |
_Toc398804373 |
Description | Name of the file in which Kernel logs are written |
Default Value | KernelSystem.Log |
Possible Values | Any valid file name with .log extension. |
Selection Criteria | Name of the file, in which Kernel logs are written. |
Anchor_Toc348218658 _Toc348218658
Anchor_Toc317761393 _Toc317761393
Anchor_Toc226191378 _Toc226191378
Anchor_Toc177977524 _Toc177977524
Anchor_Toc134848310 _Toc134848310
Anchor_Toc368410120 _Toc368410120
Anchor_Toc398804374 _Toc398804374
log4j.appender.file. MaxBackupIndex
_Toc348218658 | |
_Toc348218658 |
_Toc317761393 | |
_Toc317761393 |
_Toc226191378 | |
_Toc226191378 |
_Toc177977524 | |
_Toc177977524 |
_Toc134848310 | |
_Toc134848310 |
_Toc368410120 | |
_Toc368410120 |
_Toc398804374 | |
_Toc398804374 |
Description | Defines the number of backup log files |
Default Value | 10 |
Possible Values | Any positive integer and depends on the number of old logs to keep |
Selection Criteria | When the log file reaches up to a specified size, it is renamed for backup purpose and a new file is created to store the new logs. The property specifies how many backup files to keep, before they are deleted. |
Anchor_Toc348218659 _Toc348218659
Anchor_Toc317761394 _Toc317761394
Anchor_Toc226191379 _Toc226191379
Anchor_Toc177977525 _Toc177977525
Anchor_Toc134848311 _Toc134848311
Anchor_Toc368410121 _Toc368410121
Anchor_Toc398804375 _Toc398804375
log4j.appender.file. MaxFileSize
_Toc348218659 | |
_Toc348218659 |
_Toc317761394 | |
_Toc317761394 |
_Toc226191379 | |
_Toc226191379 |
_Toc177977525 | |
_Toc177977525 |
_Toc134848311 | |
_Toc134848311 |
_Toc368410121 | |
_Toc368410121 |
_Toc398804375 | |
_Toc398804375 |
Description | Defines the JDBC URL of the archival log database |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | Any valid JDBC URL |
Selection Criteria | Specifies the JDBC URL to connect to the archival log database. This property is automatically populated as per the value given in the Log Database Configuration step during installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218662 _Toc348218662
Anchor_Toc368410124 _Toc368410124
Anchor_Toc398804378 _Toc398804378
_Toc348218662 | |
_Toc348218662 |
_Toc368410124 | |
_Toc368410124 |
_Toc398804378 | |
_Toc398804378 |
Description | Database driver to connect to the archival log database. |
Default Value | As per the log database selected during installation |
Possible Values | JDBC Driver of the log database, where the logs are archived. |
Selection Criteria | Determines the JDBC driver used to connect to the log database. This property is automatically populated as per the log database server type selected at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218663 _Toc348218663
Anchor_Toc368410125 _Toc368410125
Anchor_Toc398804379 _Toc398804379
_Toc348218663 | |
_Toc348218663 |
_Toc368410125 | |
_Toc368410125 |
_Toc398804379 | |
_Toc398804379 |
Description | Username to access the archival log database. |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | Any user name, which has permission to create tables and insert records in the log database. |
Comments | This property is automatically populated from the user name specified in the Log Database Configuration step at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218664 _Toc348218664
Anchor_Toc368410126 _Toc368410126
Anchor_Toc398804380 _Toc398804380
_Toc348218664 | |
_Toc348218664 |
_Toc368410126 | |
_Toc368410126 |
_Toc398804380 | |
_Toc398804380 |
Description | Password to access the archival log database. |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | NA |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated using the password specified in the Log Database Configuration step at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218665 _Toc348218665
Anchor_Toc368410127 _Toc368410127
Anchor_Toc398804381 _Toc398804381
_Toc348218665 | |
_Toc348218665 |
_Toc368410127 | |
_Toc368410127 |
_Toc398804381 | |
_Toc398804381 |
Description | Password of the username specified in log4j.appender.jdbc.username property |
Default Value | As specified during installation |
Possible Values | NA |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated as per the password specified in the Log Database Configuration step at the time of installation. |
Anchor_Toc348218666 _Toc348218666
Anchor_Toc368410128 _Toc368410128
Anchor_Toc398804382 _Toc398804382
_Toc348218666 | |
_Toc348218666 |
_Toc368410128 | |
_Toc368410128 |
_Toc398804382 | |
_Toc398804382 |
Description | Adeptia Suite Secretkeystorename |
Default Value | SecretKeys.Keystore |
Possible Values | Any valid JCEKS Keystore |
Selection Criteria | SecretKeys.Keystore is a protected database that holds keys that are generated when user creates the Secret Key entity. These keys are used for Encryption, Decryption and Schema services. |
Anchor_Toc348218668 _Toc348218668
Anchor_Toc317761397 _Toc317761397
Anchor_Toc226191382 _Toc226191382
Anchor_Toc177977528 _Toc177977528
Anchor_Toc134848314 _Toc134848314
Anchor_Toc368410130 _Toc368410130
Anchor_Toc398804384 _Toc398804384
_Toc348218668 | |
_Toc348218668 |
_Toc317761397 | |
_Toc317761397 |
_Toc226191382 | |
_Toc226191382 |
_Toc177977528 | |
_Toc177977528 |
_Toc134848314 | |
_Toc134848314 |
_Toc368410130 | |
_Toc368410130 |
_Toc398804384 | |
_Toc398804384 |
Description | Folder where secret keys and keystore are stored |
Default Value | etc/security |
Possible Values | Any absolute or relative path from ServerKernel folder. |
Selection Criteria | Represents the folder path where security related folders are stored viz. Keystore, secret keys etc. |
Anchor_Expiry_days _Expiry_days
Anchor_Toc317761398 _Toc317761398
Anchor_Toc348218669 _Toc348218669
Anchor_Ref154901312 _Ref154901312
Anchor_Toc177977529 _Toc177977529
Anchor_Toc226191383 _Toc226191383
Anchor_Toc368410131 _Toc368410131
Anchor_Toc398804385 _Toc398804385
_Expiry_days | |
_Expiry_days |
_Toc317761398 | |
_Toc317761398 |
_Toc348218669 | |
_Toc348218669 |
_Ref154901312 | |
_Ref154901312 |
_Toc177977529 | |
_Toc177977529 |
_Toc226191383 | |
_Toc226191383 |
_Toc368410131 | |
_Toc368410131 |
_Toc398804385 | |
_Toc398804385 |
Description | Number of days after which the password expires |
Default Value | 0 |
Possible Values | Any positive integer. |
Selection Criteria | Represents the number of days after which the password expires. A value of 0 ensures that the password does not expire. |
Anchor_Toc348218670 _Toc348218670
Anchor_Toc317761399 _Toc317761399
Anchor_Toc226191384 _Toc226191384
Anchor_Toc177977530 _Toc177977530
Anchor_Toc368410132 _Toc368410132
Anchor_Toc398804386 _Toc398804386
_Toc348218670 | |
_Toc348218670 |
_Toc317761399 | |
_Toc317761399 |
_Toc226191384 | |
_Toc226191384 |
_Toc177977530 | |
_Toc177977530 |
_Toc368410132 | |
_Toc368410132 |
_Toc398804386 | |
_Toc398804386 |
Description | File where the JVM looks for security JAAS configuration |
Default Value | etc/jaas.config |
Possible Values | Any file containing the login module configurations |
Selection Criteria | Valid login modules |
Comments | Specifies which Login Modules should be used for the Adeptia Suite application, and in what order the Login Modules should be invoked |
Anchor_Toc226191388 _Toc226191388
Anchor_Toc177977534 _Toc177977534
Anchor_Toc134848317 _Toc134848317
Anchor_Toc348218674 _Toc348218674
Anchor_Toc317761403 _Toc317761403
AnchorMailServerParameters MailServerParameters
Anchor_Toc368410136 _Toc368410136
Anchor_Toc398804390 _Toc398804390
_Toc226191388 | |
_Toc226191388 |
_Toc177977534 | |
_Toc177977534 |
_Toc134848317 | |
_Toc134848317 |
_Toc348218674 | |
_Toc348218674 |
_Toc317761403 | |
_Toc317761403 |
MailServerParameters | |
MailServerParameters |
_Toc368410136 | |
_Toc368410136 |
_Toc398804390 | |
_Toc398804390 |
Description | Specifies the protocol used by an outgoing mail server |
Default Value | smtp |
Possible Values | smtp/mapi |
Selection Criteria | Select smtp if the outgoing mail server is using the SMTP protocol. |
Anchor_Toc348218676 _Toc348218676
Anchor_Toc317761405 _Toc317761405
Anchor_Toc226191390 _Toc226191390
Anchor_Toc177977536 _Toc177977536
Anchor_Toc368410138 _Toc368410138
Anchor_Toc398804392 _Toc398804392
_Toc348218676 | |
_Toc348218676 |
_Toc317761405 | |
_Toc317761405 |
_Toc226191390 | |
_Toc226191390 |
_Toc177977536 | |
_Toc177977536 |
_Toc368410138 | |
_Toc368410138 |
_Toc398804392 | |
_Toc398804392 |
Description | IP address or host name of outgoing (SMTP) mail server |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation |
Possible Values | IP address or hostname of the SMTP Server |
Selection Criteria | Applicable only when smtp is defined as mail protocol. This property is automatically populated using the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also manually define it, if needed. |
Anchor_Toc348218677 _Toc348218677
Anchor_Toc317761406 _Toc317761406
Anchor_Toc226191391 _Toc226191391
Anchor_Toc177977537 _Toc177977537
Anchor_Toc134848319 _Toc134848319
Anchor_Toc368410139 _Toc368410139
Anchor_Toc398804393 _Toc398804393
_Toc348218677 | |
_Toc348218677 |
_Toc317761406 | |
_Toc317761406 |
_Toc226191391 | |
_Toc226191391 |
_Toc177977537 | |
_Toc177977537 |
_Toc134848319 | |
_Toc134848319 |
_Toc368410139 | |
_Toc368410139 |
_Toc398804393 | |
_Toc398804393 |
Description | Specifies the domain name |
Default Value | Adeptia |
Possible Values | Domain Name, in which exchange server is configured. |
Selection Criteria | Applicable only when MAPI is defined as the mail protocol. This property is automatically populated from the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also manually define it, as needed. |
Anchor_Toc348218678 _Toc348218678
Anchor_Toc317761407 _Toc317761407
Anchor_Toc226191392 _Toc226191392
Anchor_Toc177977538 _Toc177977538
Anchor_Toc368410140 _Toc368410140
Anchor_Toc398804394 _Toc398804394
_Toc348218678 | |
_Toc348218678 |
_Toc317761407 | |
_Toc317761407 |
_Toc226191392 | |
_Toc226191392 |
_Toc177977538 | |
_Toc177977538 |
_Toc368410140 | |
_Toc368410140 |
_Toc398804394 | |
_Toc398804394 |
Description | Email Address of the person who is responsible for the administration of Adeptia Suite |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation. |
Possible Values | Any email address, which can be used to send the mail notifications. |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated from the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also define it, as needed. |
Anchor_Toc348218680 _Toc348218680
Anchor_Toc317761409 _Toc317761409
Anchor_Toc226191394 _Toc226191394
Anchor_Toc177977540 _Toc177977540
Anchor_Toc134848320 _Toc134848320
Anchor_Toc368410142 _Toc368410142
Anchor_Toc398804396 _Toc398804396
_Toc348218680 | |
_Toc348218680 |
_Toc317761409 | |
_Toc317761409 |
_Toc226191394 | |
_Toc226191394 |
_Toc177977540 | |
_Toc177977540 |
_Toc134848320 | |
_Toc134848320 |
_Toc368410142 | |
_Toc368410142 |
_Toc398804396 | |
_Toc398804396 |
Description | User ID used to access the mailbox of the Adeptia Suite administrator |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation. |
Possible Values | User ID of the mail account, which is mentioned in systemAdminEmailID property. |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated using the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also manually define it. |
Anchor_Toc348218681 _Toc348218681
Anchor_Toc317761410 _Toc317761410
Anchor_Toc226191395 _Toc226191395
Anchor_Toc177977541 _Toc177977541
Anchor_Toc134848321 _Toc134848321
Anchor_Toc368410143 _Toc368410143
Anchor_Toc398804397 _Toc398804397
_Toc348218681 | |
_Toc348218681 |
_Toc317761410 | |
_Toc317761410 |
_Toc226191395 | |
_Toc226191395 |
_Toc177977541 | |
_Toc177977541 |
_Toc134848321 | |
_Toc134848321 |
_Toc368410143 | |
_Toc368410143 |
_Toc398804397 | |
_Toc398804397 |
Description | Password used to access the mailbox of the Adeptia Suite administrator |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation. |
Possible Values | Password of the mail account, which is mentioned in systemAdminEmailID property. |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated as per the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also manually define it, as needed. |
Anchor_Toc348218682 _Toc348218682
Anchor_Toc317761411 _Toc317761411
Anchor_Toc226191396 _Toc226191396
Anchor_Toc177977542 _Toc177977542
Anchor_Toc134848322 _Toc134848322
Anchor_Toc368410144 _Toc368410144
Anchor_Toc398804398 _Toc398804398
_Toc348218682 | |
_Toc348218682 |
_Toc317761411 | |
_Toc317761411 |
_Toc226191396 | |
_Toc226191396 |
_Toc177977542 | |
_Toc177977542 |
_Toc134848322 | |
_Toc134848322 |
_Toc368410144 | |
_Toc368410144 |
_Toc398804398 | |
_Toc398804398 |
Description | Subject of the mail notification to be sent when you change your mail password |
Default Value | Password |
Possible Values | Subject string with which mail notification will be sent |
Selection Criteria | This value is used as the subject for mail notifications, which are sent by Adeptia Suite each time you change your mail password. |
Anchor_Toc348218683 _Toc348218683
Anchor_Toc317761412 _Toc317761412
Anchor_Toc226191397 _Toc226191397
Anchor_Toc177977543 _Toc177977543
Anchor_Toc368410145 _Toc368410145
Anchor_Toc398804399 _Toc398804399
_Toc348218683 | |
_Toc348218683 |
_Toc317761412 | |
_Toc317761412 |
_Toc226191397 | |
_Toc226191397 |
_Toc177977543 | |
_Toc177977543 |
_Toc368410145 | |
_Toc368410145 |
_Toc398804399 | |
_Toc398804399 |
Description | Specifies whether mail server is SSL enabled or not |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation. |
Possible Values | yes/no |
Selection Criteria | Select yes if the specified mail server requires a secure connection. Select no if the specified mail server does not require a secure connection. |
Anchor_Toc348218684 _Toc348218684
Anchor_Toc317761413 _Toc317761413
Anchor_Toc226191398 _Toc226191398
Anchor_Toc177977544 _Toc177977544
Anchor_Toc368410146 _Toc368410146
Anchor_Toc398804400 _Toc398804400
_Toc348218684 | |
_Toc348218684 |
_Toc317761413 | |
_Toc317761413 |
_Toc226191398 | |
_Toc226191398 |
_Toc177977544 | |
_Toc177977544 |
_Toc368410146 | |
_Toc368410146 |
_Toc398804400 | |
_Toc398804400 |
Description | Mail Server port |
Default Value | Depends on the value given in the Mail Server Configuration steps during installation. |
Possible Values | SMTP port used by Mail Server |
Selection Criteria | This property is automatically populated as per the value given in the Mail Server Configuration step during installation. However, you can also manually define it, as needed. |
Anchor _Toc348218685 _Toc348218685
Anchor _Toc317761414 _Toc317761414
Anchor _Toc226191399 _Toc226191399
Anchor _Toc177977545 _Toc177977545
Anchor _Toc368410147 _Toc368410147
Anchor _Toc398804401 _Toc398804401
_Toc348218685 | |
_Toc348218685 |
_Toc317761414 | |
_Toc317761414 |
_Toc226191399 | |
_Toc226191399 |
_Toc177977545 | |
_Toc177977545 |
_Toc368410147 | |
_Toc368410147 |
_Toc398804401 | |
_Toc398804401 |
Description | EncodingDescription required. |
Default Value | NA |
Description | Enter the search scope level. Possible values are One, Object, Subtree |
Default Value | Subtree |
Possible values | One, Object, or Subtree |
Description | Enter the bindDN for LDAP server |
Default Value | NA |
Description | Configure the flag if user's role attribute contains the fully distinguished name. Possible values are yes|no, true|false |
Default Value | no |
Possible Values | yes/no or true|false |
Description | Enable or disable searching the role name attribute in user's distinguished name. Possible values are | ||
Default Value | yes | ||
Possible Value | yes or no, true or false | Default Valueyes |
Description | Enable or disable anonymous login through blank password in LDAP. | |
Default Value | yes | |
Possible Values | yes/no | Selection Criteria? |
Anchor_Toc348218689 _Toc348218689
Anchor_Toc317761418 _Toc317761418
Anchor_Toc368410151 _Toc368410151
Anchor_Toc398804405 _Toc398804405
Anchor_Toc348218688 _Toc348218688
Anchor_Toc317761417 _Toc317761417
Anchor_Toc368410150 _Toc368410150
Anchor_Toc398804404 _Toc398804404
_Toc348218689 | |
_Toc348218689 |
_Toc317761418 | |
_Toc317761418 |
_Toc368410151 | |
_Toc368410151 |
_Toc398804405 | |
_Toc398804405 |
_Toc348218688 | |
_Toc348218688 |
_Toc317761417 | |
_Toc317761417 |
_Toc368410150 | |
_Toc368410150 |
_Toc398804404 | |
_Toc398804404 |
Anchor_Toc348218690 _Toc348218690
Anchor_Toc317761419 _Toc317761419
Anchor_Toc368410152 _Toc368410152
Anchor_Toc398804406 _Toc398804406
_Toc348218690 | |
_Toc348218690 |
_Toc317761419 | |
_Toc317761419 |
_Toc368410152 | |
_Toc368410152 |
_Toc398804406 | |
_Toc398804406 |
Description | Enable or disable the pagination feature |
Default Value | yes |
Possible Values | yes/no |
Selection Criteria | NA |
Comments | Enable or disable pagination feature |
Anchor _Toc348218692 _Toc348218692
Anchor _Toc317761421 _Toc317761421
Anchor _Toc368410154 _Toc368410154
Anchor _Toc398804408 _Toc398804408
_Toc348218692 | |
_Toc348218692 |
_Toc317761421 | |
_Toc317761421 |
_Toc368410154 | |
_Toc368410154 |
_Toc398804408 | |
_Toc398804408 |
Description | Maximum number of Records that will displayed in a page | ||
Default Value | 20 | Possible Values? |
Selection? Criteria |
Description | Maximum number of Records that will displayed in a manage page | |
Default Value | 20 | Possible Values? |
Selection Criteria?
Description | Default permission mask while creating new activity |
Default Value | 750 |
Possible Values | Combination of read, write, and execute permission that you want to give to each type of user (Owner, Other groups to which the owner belongs, and Users outside the owner's group) |
Selection Criteria | The permission property contains a 3-digit number, where:
7 = 4+2+1 (Read + Write + Execute)
1 = 1 (Execute) |