Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You can use a Text file to define the structure of your Source or Destination layout. To create a Text file layout, you need to specify the format of the text file.To

Follow the steps below to create a Text file layout:

  • Select Text from the source data format drop-down list.
  • Click Image Removed to create a Text layout from the source data layout. 
    Image Removed
    AnchorText_LayoutText_LayoutOn the Create Layout window, provide the name of the Text layout. 
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  • Click Next to continue further.

  • Provide the details in the following fields.

    Field NameDescriptionFile header presentFile

    text layout using the default option:

    1. Click Configure > LAYOUTS > Text.
    2. Click Create Text Layout.
    3. On the Create Layout screen, select the Default option from the Select Layout UI Type field.
    4. Click Next. 
    5. On the Create Layout screen,

      Image Added

      1. In the Name and Description fields, type the name and description of the new text layout.

        Name: Only alphanumeric and underscore are allowed and you must start the layout name with an alphabet or underscore.
        Description: Only alphanumeric and few special characters(_ - . : , @ $ ? \\ and space) are allowed and you must start the description with an Alphabet/Underscore/Number.

      2. Select the Data Header Present check box if the data header is present in the text file. Data Header usually contains the titles of the fields in
      your Text
      1. a text file.
      In addition, if the Text layout is used at the destination, and the File header present check box is selected, the title will be included in the destination Text file. If you are configuring the layout at the Source application then on selecting the check box, a new field appears.

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      If the position of the header field in the schema and the target file differ, click No. On selecting No, a new field appears.

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      Click Yes if the header fields are case sensitive.

      Data field separatorA Column Separator used to separate columns. The available options are Tab, Comma, and Other. Select Other to provide other Column Separator. Record separatorA Record Separator used to separate records. The available option is \n for new line. Select Other to provide other Record Separator.Upload Sample FileFile path to define the Text layout.Field definitionStructure of the sample Text layout file. When you select the sample Text layout file, the structure of the file is displayed in this table. By default, data type for each column is String. You can modify the column attributes/data types of the column by right clicking the column and selecting Column Attributes. Instead of uploading a sample file, you can also create the structure manually. To create the structure manually, click here.

      Image Removed

      AnchorStructure_ManualyStructure_ManualyTo create the table structure manually:


    6. Click the column header to edit, insert, or delete columns, if required.

    7. Select Column Attribute to choose the data type for each column.
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    8. Select the type for the column. 

    9. Click Save to save the selected column attribute.
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    10. Click Save to save the Text layout
      2. In the Record Separator field, provide the record separator, for example, \n for newline or " " for space. The record separator is used to separate the records.
      3. In the Field Separator field, provide the field separator, for example, \t for Tab or " " for space. Field Separator is used to separate fields.
      4. In the Definition Mode field, select either Import Definition File or Enter the Fields Sequentially option.

        To define the layout using the Import Definition File option, follow the steps below:
        1. In the Definition File field, select the definition type from the drop-down list and click Upload File, navigate to the required file, and click Open to upload the file.

        To define the layout using the Enter the Fields Sequentially option, follow the steps below:
        1. In the Field Name field, enter the name of each field.

        2. In the Type field, select the type of data.
          Following are the options - string, number, and date. If the data type is Date, select the format of date and time from the Date Format and Time Format drop-down lists.


          To insert rows, specify the number and position of the rows to be added in the Number of Rows and at Position and click Add Row. You can add a maximum of 99 rows at a time.

          To remove rows, specify the number and position of the rows to be deleted in the Number of Rows and at Position and click Remove Row.

      5. Expand the Advanced Properties.
        1. In the Character Set Encoding field, enter the required character set encoding.
        2. Dynamic Header Support check box is an advanced feature of Text layout, which is used to parse an excel or text file, if:
          FieldNames defined in the source layout and the Data Headers (Column Name) of the excel/text file are same but not in the same order.
          FieldNames defined in the source layout and the Headers of the excel/text file are not same. They may or may not be in the same order.

          If the headers are not matched between Layout Definition and Source File then XML (output of schema) will only have Root rather than any Record entry. For instance, if the headers of the source layout are Id, Name, and Age and the headers of the data file are Emp Id, Emp Name, and Emp Age then the output of the layout will be blank.  
        3. On selecting the Dynamic Header Support check box, Allow Ignore case check box appears. Select this check box to ignore the case mismatches in the header of the layout and the data file.
        4. Select Quotes Handling check box to enable quotes handling.
        5. When using Text layout at the target side, select the  to enclose the target field values in double quotes. For example, "John","Smith".
        6. Select Remove Last New Line Record Separator check box if you want to remove the new line record separator from the target file.
        7. Select Allow Less Fields check box to process the data in case the number of fields in the data file is less than the number of fields defined in the layout.

          • When the number of fields in the data file is less than the number of fields defined in the layout then layout will not process the data and give an error during execution.

          • When you select the Allow Less Field check box then layout generates an empty tag for fields that are not present in the data file.
          • This option is applicable only when you use the layout at the source end.

        8. In case the input data contains some characters that are invalid in XML then this may result in the aborted mapping. You can filter these invalid XML characters by selecting the Filter Invalid XML Characters check box.
        9. Type the row start position in the Row Start Position textbox. Row Start Position specifies which row of the text file is counted as first row.
          For example, if you enter value as 5 in the Row Start Position, 5th row of the text file is counted as the first row. If this layout is used at source end, the data from the 5th row onward is taken for processing.
        10. In case, you want to skip certain bottom row from the text file then define the row count from Bottom Row Skip Count field.
        11. Type the enclosing characters to remove from the data file while parsing in the Handle Enclosing Character. Currently, following enclosing characters are supported:
          • Single Quote (')
          • Double Quote (")
          • Less than symbol (<)
          • Greater than symbol (>)

          Handling Enclosing Character is supported for source schema only. If Quotes Handling is checked true, the value of data file at the target schema will be appended with the enclosing character.

        12. In the Project field, select the project.
      6. Click Save.