Triggers panel reveal the following information to you about the triggers:
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| Trigger Firing Trends |
| Trigger Firing Trends |
Trigger Firing Trends This section provides you with the graphical display of all the fired triggers for the last 5 days (including today). This information helps in analyzing about the work load and hence the work done on a specific day.
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| Triggered Processes |
| Triggered Processes |
Triggered Processes By default, this section displays the information about five recent process flows triggered. To view all the process flows triggered within the specified date and time range, click View All.
This section displays the following information:
- Trigger Name: Name of the trigger with which the recently executed process flow is registered.
- Trigger type: It displays the type of trigger.
- Trigger time: Last date and time when the respective process flow is executed by the trigger.
- Start time: It displays the start time.
- Process Instance Name: Name of the process flow instance. If you click on any of the process flows, the corresponding Process Flow Log Details are displayed.
- Process Name: Name of the process flow.
- Status: Displays whether the process flow is successfully executed or not.
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| Active Triggers |
| Active Triggers |
Active TriggersThis section displays information about the activated trigger conforming to the specified date and time range (if specified). Information is displayed about all triggers, which are activated irrespective of whether they are triggered, or not. This section displays the following information:
- Trigger Name: Name of the trigger.
- Trigger Type: Type of the trigger.
- Polling: Time interval at which the trigger will keep on triggering until deactivated.
- Last Trigger Time: Last date and time when the respective trigger is triggered.
- Next Trigger Time: Next date and time when the respective trigger will be triggered.
- Process Name: Name of the corresponding process flow that executes when the trigger is triggered.
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| Process Errors |
| Process Errors |
Process ErrorsThis section displays information about the process flow errors and their details due to which the process flow is aborted. The process flows listed here also include the process flows that are manually executed. This section displays the following information:
- Trigger Time: Date and time when the process flow execution starts.
- Process Name: Name of the process flow that is aborted. If you click on any of the process flows, the corresponding Process Flow Log details are displayed.
- Process Instance Name: Run time description of the aborted process flow.
- Error Message: Displays the error due to which the process flow is aborted.
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| Trigger Errors |
| Trigger Errors |
Trigger ErrorsThis section displays information about trigger and the errors encountered while triggering. This section displays the following information: