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You can start or stop the following Adeptia services as and when you need to do:
- Connect Server Kernel
- Connect Server WebRunner
- AIMap
- Connect PortalAIMap
Follow the steps below to start or stop the services on Windows and Linux.
On Windows
You can start or stop these services in two ways:
- As a service
- From Start Menu/Desktop
As a Service
If you have installed Adeptia Connect as a service, follow the steps below to start or stop Kernel and WebRunner:
- Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
- Right-click Adeptia Kernel or Adeptia WebRunner and then click Start or Stop based on your requirement.
From Start Menu/Desktop
- Start Menu: Go to Start > Programs > Adeptia Connect Connect > Kernel (for example) and select the service. (repeat)
Desktop: Double-click the service's shortcut on the desktop.
This action will display the service console window.To stop any of the services, go to the service console window, and press Ctrl+ C. If you close service console window by clicking the cross button, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by Adeptia Connect may not shut down properly.
Note |
(recommendation) If you stop Kernel or WebRunner by clicking the cross button, ensure that you go to Task manager thereafter and kill the Java.exe and JSL.exe. |
On Linux
Perform the following steps to start or stop the services:
- Open Terminal.
- Go to ...<AdeptiaConnectInstallFolder>\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel folder.
- Type ./ to start, or, type ./ to stop Connect Server Kernel, WebRunner, and Connect Portal.
- AIMap.
- Connect Portal (path would be different for Portal)
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