Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Ensure that EDI Partners are configured.

  1. Login to Adeptia Connect from a Business User’s account.
  2. Click Transactions Tab.

  3. Click Templates to view the available templates.

  4. Type EDI in the search bar and hit enter.

  5. Click "Use This"for the EDI Outbound template.
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    A Create New Transaction page would open.

  6. Provide name and description for this transaction and click Continue.
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  7. Choose the Network from dropdown list.
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  8. Choose the Partner and click Next (only those partner who have EDI configurations, will be appear). 

  9. Fill the EDI configuration. For example:
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    1. EDI Standard can be HIPPA.

    2. EDI Standard Versions, that are data dictionary can be 00510X221A1. However, you can also create your data dictionaries (not part of this training).

    3. Transaction Set Code, that would be EDI 835 in this case.

    4. Test/Production Indicators can be found from the EDI File.

    5. Choose Yes for Generate Acknowledgement. This will automatically generate an Acknowledgement file which Adeptia automatically sends to the partner.

  10. Define Group Envelop properties, you can find this information inan EDI file.
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    1. Accordingly Choose an existing ISA envelope or click “+” to create a new ISA envelop.

    2. After you click + a ISA wizard will open where you can define ISA envelop for this transaction, the source file will be converted as per the standards given here at the target.

    3. Ensure that you have knowledge of EDI and provide Interchange Receiver and Sender IDs.

    4. Enter Interchange SenderID & ReceiverID qualifier. 

    5. Provide the details of data handling, for example, The Element, Sub-Element separator, and segment terminator can be *, :, and ~ respectively.

    6. You can provide the Line Break Information.

    7. Click Save to exit the ISA Envelop wizard.

    8. Click Save.

  11. Select the Source from where system will pick up the file. For example in this case we choose FTP. Click Next.
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  12. Based on the Source type, list of triggers appears. Here, we choose “On File Created”, i.e. it will trigger the transaction as any new EDI file is created at given FTP location. Click Next.
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  13. Select the FTP Account from the list on “Select Account”. To create a new FTP Account click “+” button and provide the FTP details. Click Next.
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  14. Provide the path in FTP from where file will be picked. Click Browse to open the FTP path location and select the folder where file is created. Click Submit.
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  15. Choose the behavior or transaction from given three options:
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    • Delete file on success

    • Don’t process duplicate files

    • Process all existing records

  16. Provide file type information. For example, write *.*

  17. Select one Trigger type from the two options:
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    • Choose the polling Intervals OR CRON Expressions

    • Give the time when system should check the file

    • Click Help in CRON expressions to set up the combination for desired time
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  18. Click Next.

  19. Now, Define the Source file that will be converted to EDI. For example, choose Text.
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  20. Choose the Source Data layout or you can create your own layout by clicking “+”.

    • After you click + Edit/Create Layout wizard will open. Provide the name of this layout and click Next.
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    • Give the File properties and upload the sample source file, and it would create a source schema from it.
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    • Click Save.

  21. Click Next.

  22. Ignore the check box for data encryption and click Next.

  23. Select the Destination where System will place the file after processing. For example, in this case we choose FTP. Click Next.
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  24. Based on the Destination type, you can choose the behavior of file being processed. We choose “Create File”, i.e. it will create the new EDI file as any file is created at Source location. Click Next.
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  25. Select the FTP Account from the list on “Select Account” page. To create a new FTP Account click “+” button and provide the FTP details. Click Next.
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  26. Provide the file path in FTP as a target location to place the file.
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    • Click Browse to open the FTP path location and select the folder where file is to be placed . 

    • Click Submit.

  27. You may want to give File Name, though it’s not mandatory.

    1. You can choose to add time stamp to created file.

    2. Provide .*. in file information or leave. We write text as in this use case the text file will be converted to and EDI format.

  28. Click Next.

  29. You can ignore data encryption step and choose to create an archive file.

  30. Click Next to go to Mapping.

  31. Final step is to define or reuse an existing map for that EDI message type.
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  32. Click Save & Exit.

Steps to Turn on the Transaction

After you have Saved and Exit the Transaction page. You will be asked to Turn on the transaction. 

  1. Click Yes, turn on. You can run the transaction only if it is turned on. 
  2. Click Refresh to view the transaction tab in active mode. 

    You can view the green button with ON signifying that transaction is on. 
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    As the file is placed at the Source location, the transaction will get executed as per set Polling frequency or CRON Expression.

Viewing execution details

Go tthe Dashboard to view execution details. The Status column shows execution status of the transaction.
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  1. Click the execution icon under Action to view the detailed information about transaction.

  2. Click the information icon under the respective Icons to know details of execution at a that step.

  3. Click More arrow under Action menu to know further details of the transaction.

EDI Dashboard and EDI X12 Interchange logs

Logs provide runtime details about the inbound and outbound transactions.

Users can search logs with Partner ID, Sender/Receiver ID, Transaction Control Number and with any other data field.


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