This section lists the prerequisites and steps for applying and verifying this patch.
- You have Read and Write permissions on all subfolders and files of .../AdeptiaConnect-<Version>.
- Take backup of AgentContext.xml file from …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc location. This backup file will help you to go back to the previous version.
- Take backup of file from …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc location. This backup file will help you to go back to the previous version.
- Services such as Kernel, WebRunner, and AIMap are stopped.
Applying the patch
- Download the latest patch from the provided URL.
- Extract the downloaded zip file in a folder.
- Open the Command Prompt.
- Go to the folder where you have extracted the zip file.
- Run the following command to apply the patch:
Apply-Patch.bat “<Path where Adeptia Connect is installed till AdeptiaServer folder>”
For example:
Apply-Patch.bat "C:/Program Files/AdeptiaConnect/AdeptiaConnect-x.x/ConnectServer/AdeptiaServer"
- Once the patch is applied, a confirmation message is displayed.
Note: While applying the patch you may come across following warning messages that you should ignore.
Warning: Not deploying connect2.0 accelerator because no change list is present.
Warning: Not deploying EDI accelerator because no change list is present. - Start the services, i.e. Kernel, WebRunner, and AIMap.
After you have applied the patch, PatchApplicationLog_<Date>.log file is created inside the logs folder. The logs folder is available in the same folder from where you have applied the patch. PatchApplicationLog_<Date>.log file contains the logs generated during patch application and can be used to troubleshoot any issue related to the patch application.
Patch application may take some time, in case there are a large number of records in the backend and log database.
The patch will automatically rollback, in case of any error during the deployment.
After applying this patch, refer to post patch deployment section for manual changes.
Post patch deployment steps
Changes in AgentContext.xml file
After deploying the patch, update database configuration in AgentContext.xml file to store heartbeat and other agent operation in the database. To update this file, follow the steps below:
- Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc location.
- Open AgentContext.xml file.
Set the following properties based on your environment.
If you are going to use a separate backend database for the Agent, you need to create the database and update this file with new database property. Or, you can use the existing backend database of Adeptia Connect and use its properties to update this file.Under "dataSourceAgent" section, update the following properties:
- Update the property "jdbcUrl" as jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:<port no.>/<DB Name>?useSSL.
Hostname: Name/IP address of the database server.
Port No.: Port number of the database.
Database name: Name of the database. - driverClass: Update the driver class name.
- user: Enter the user name.
- password: Enter the password.
- dataSourceName: Enter the backend database name.
- Update the property "jdbcUrl" as jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:<port no.>/<DB Name>?useSSL.
- Under "AgentEntityManagerFactory" section, update the "hibernate.dialect" property.
- Save the file.
Changes in file
Configure email notification property, recipientsEmail, in file.
- Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc location.
- Open file.
Set the "recipientsEmail" property with the email id of the recipient.
You can also update other properties like mailBodyContenType, mailSubject, mailBodyHeader, and mailBodyFooter based on your requirements.- Save the file.