Connectors help you connect to and exchange data with an application such as NetSuite, SAP, and Salesforce. While Adeptia Connect offers you some pre-bundled connectors, it also gives you the flexibility to add your own custom connectors.
You can add a REST or JDBC based custom connector to the application.
This section guides you on how to add a custom connector and what all you need to have to accomplish this task.
Adding a REST based Custom Connector
To add a REST-based custom connector to your version of Adeptia Connect, you first need to create the Connector Package and the Implementation Package for that connector. The instructions to create these packages are on the following pages:
Only a Sys Admin user can create a custom connector.
Complete the following steps to add a REST based custom connector.
Click Account >My Company.
In the left pane, click Connectors.
On the connectors' manage page, click Add Connector.
On the Add Connector page, provide a name and description for the connector in the respective fields with self-explanatory labels.
In the Select Connector Type field, select REST as the type of the connector.
In the Select Authentication Type field, select the authentication type/mode.
For a REST type of Connector, there are two modes of Authentication, OAuth Based and API Token Based. Select Authentication Type as OAuth if the Connector requires OAuth authentication. Select Authentication Type as API Token based if you already have an access token and/or refresh Token.
Based on your selection of Authentication Type in the previous field, select either the OAuth Profile to be used or enter a comma separated list of key value pairs of Authentication Parameters.
You also need to select the OAuth profile to be used for the OAuth process if you select OAuth based authentication.
You need to provide the comma separated list of key value pairs of Authentication Parameters If you select Authentication Type as API Token based. The value of Authentication Parameters will be in the following format DisplayName:ParameterName:Default value:IsHidden:IsReadOnly. While the first two values are mandatory, the next three values are optional.
You can use these three optional values for the following purposes.
Default value - If you to have provide a default value for any of the fields/parameters.
IsHdden - If you want to keep any of the parameter hidden
IsReadOnly - If you want to keep any of the parameter as read only.
The table below contains the standard parameters and their description. You need to name the standard parameters in the same manner as given the table.
Sl. No.
Parameter Name
The Access Token obtained from the Authentication provider. This parameter is mandatory to be defined.
The OAuth Refresh Token.
The Client Id (App Key) associated with the app registered with the Authentication provider.
The Client Secret (AppKey Secret) associated with the app registered with the Authentication provider.
The Access Token Secret associated with the app registered with the Authentication provider.
Click Browse..., navigate to the location of the Connector Package zip file, and select the file to upload.
In the Provide Date Format field, enter the date format.
In the Provide Time Zone field, enter the time zone.
The previous two fields, Provide Date Format and Provide Time Zone are optional and used to fetch incremental data.
Click Save. The newly added connector will now be visible on the connectors manage page.
Add the Connector Implementation Package by completing the following steps:
On the connectors manage page, click More Action (screenshot) against the new connector and select Add Implementation.
Upload the zip file containing the connector runtime classes.
Adding a CDATA based Custom Connector
Follow the steps below to add a CDATA based custom connector.
Obtain the CDATA Accelerator for the required Connector from Support team.
Deploy this Accelerator using the Install Accelerator option of Migration Utility.
Once the Accelerator is deployed, the new CDATA driver is added to the list of available Database drivers for creating DBInfos.
Click Account >My Company.
In the left pane, click Connectors.
On the connectors' manage page, click Add Connector.
On the Add Connector page, provide a name and description for the connector in the respective fields with self-explanatory labels.
In the Select Connector Type field, select JDBC as the type of the connector.
In the Select Database Driver field, Select the Database driver to be used for this connector
The selected Database driver should be the one deployed through Migration Utility.
In the Provide Date Format field, enter the date format.
In the Provide Time Zone field, enter the time zone.
The previous two fields, Provide Date Format and Provide Time Zone are optional and used to fetch incremental data.