Adeptia Connect uses the latest software technologies and state-of-the-art techniques to provide its rich set of capabilities and features. Similar to any other enterprise-class software application in the market, Adeptia uses a mix of proprietary components that it has developed internally along with a number of third-party modules that it licenses along with open-source libraries that provide specific functions.
Adeptia application is based on Java technology and it uses Java 8 Java Runtime Engine (JRE). It also uses Python for the AIMap component.
A tech stack is a set of technologies used to build a website, a web app, or a mobile app. It consists of two elements: the front end and the back end. The front end is the client-side technology.
A “stack” is a combination of languages, tools, etc., layered one on top of the other to build a digital platform or program.
When brought together, these form a microservices technology stack — a specific type of tech stack that consists of different microservices that work together using API technology.
This type of stack is highly flexible because it isn’t managed by a centralized platform, so new services can be added, removed and reorganized quickly for a modern digital experience.
Kubernetes for Orchestration
Persistent & Configuration Management
- Persistence using Kubernetes PVC
- External configuration using Kubernetes ConfigMap
- Secret Configuration using Kubernetes secret or Vault
Prometheus/Grafana for Monitoring (support Datadog as well)
EFK stack for Centralized logging (support Datadog as well)
Jenkins For CI/CD and Helm chart for packaging
Note: Customer Will Pull the Image and Helm Charts from container repositories shared by Adeptia
Rabbit MQ as Message broker
Key Decision Criteria:
- Backpressure handling
- Partner/Tenant boundary
- Heavy vs Normal load
- Job Priority
- Throttling
Spring Cloud Gateway as API Gateway
Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring