Adeptia has used the latest technologies to create the microservices version of Adeptia Connect. Following are the key technology components of AC v4.x.
- Docker for Containerization
- Kubernetes for Orchestration
- Persistent and Configuration Management
- Prometheus/Grafana for Monitoring
- EFK for centralized logging
- Jenkins For CI/CD and Helm chart for packaging
- Rabbit MQ as a Message broker
- Spring Cloud Gateway as API Gateway
Docker for Containerization
Kubernetes for Orchestration
Persistent & Configuration Management
- Persistence using Kubernetes PVC.
- External configuration using Kubernetes ConfigMap.
- Secret Configuration using Kubernetes secret or Vault.
Prometheus/Grafana for Monitoring (support Datadog as well)
EFK stack for Centralized logging (support Datadog as well)
Jenkins For CI/CD and Helm chart for packaging
Customer will pull the Image and Helm Charts from container repositories shared by Adeptia.
Rabbit MQ as Message broker
Key Decision Criteria:
- Backpressure handling
- Partner/Tenant boundary
- Heavy vs Normal load
- Job Priority
- Throttling
Spring Cloud Gateway as API Gateway
Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring