SecureBridge Agent Manager

SecureBridge Agent Manager helps you monitor the agent installed at different locations. Using this feature, you can check the transaction logs, status, agent details, action logs, etc. of the Agents in Agent Monitoring sectionĀ of Dashboard in Adeptia Connect.

The sub sections provide you more details on Agent Monitoring:

Accessing Agent Monitoring screen

To access Agent Monitoring screen, follow the steps below:Ā 

  1. ClickĀ DashboardĀ Ā tab on the home page.
  2. On the Dashboard screen, clickĀ Agent MonitoringĀ in the left pane.

Using Agent Monitoring screen

This screen displays the following details of an Agent installed at different locations:

  • Agent ID: Unique ID of the Agent
  • Partner Name: Name of the Partner the agent is associated with.
  • Host IP: The IP address of the network where the Agent is hosted.
  • MAC Address: The MAC address of theĀ serverĀ on which Agent is installed.
  • Location: Location where the Agent is installed.
  • Status: Current status of the agent. This indicates whether the Agent is currently down or up.
  • Last Modified:Ā Date and time of the last heartbeat received from an Agent.Ā 

From the Agent Monitoring screen, you can also perform the following actions on an Agent:

  • View the Agent details
  • Check the transaction logs
  • Restart the Agent
  • Check the action logs of the Agent

Viewing an Agent's details

Follow the steps below to check the details of an Agent:

  • On the Agent Monitoring screen, clickĀ  > Agent Details.

TheĀ Agent detailsĀ screen displays the details of the Agent as depicted below.

ClickĀ  buttonĀ to expand the other sections and see the details.
You can also view an agent's details associated with a Partner from the respective Partner's screen. Refer to the Partners page for more details.

Checking the Transaction logs

Follow the steps below to check the Transaction logs of an Agent:

  • On theĀ Agent MonitoringĀ screen, clickĀ Ā >Ā Transaction Logs.

TheĀ Transaction logsĀ screen displays the list of transactions logs and their details as depicted below.

On this screen, you can perform the following actions:

  • You can search for a specific Transaction using the Search box.Ā 
  • You can view the list of Transactions based on three criteria: View, View All, and View Errors.
    • View:Ā This displays all the Transactions except for the ones which are generated out of the heartbeat exchanges and the process flow logs in the transaction.

      This behaviorĀ is alreadyĀ configured in the server-configure.propertiesĀ file. However, you can also add more of the entity IDs in property.
    • View All: This displays all the Transactions having "Running", "Aborted", and "Executed" status.
    • View Error: This shows all the Transactions havingĀ "Aborted" status.
  • It also allows you to filter the data for last 30, 15, 7, and 2 days.

You can also check an individual Transaction details by clicking onĀ Ā icon.

Select theĀ check box to re-execute a transaction. If you want to re-execute all the transactions, select the check box available in the header row.Ā 

Restarting an Agent

Follow the steps below to restart the Agent:

  1. On theĀ Agent MonitoringĀ screen, clickĀ Ā >Ā Restart Agent.

  2. On the confirmation window, click Yes.
  3. After confirmation, it will store action in a database with respective Agent ID.
  4. Restart AgentĀ action will be sent in next heartbeat response to respective Agent.
  5. After gettingĀ Restart AgentĀ actionĀ inĀ response from Hub agentĀ will restart itself.

Checking the action logs

Follow the steps below to restart the Agent:

  • On theĀ Agent MonitoringĀ screen, clickĀ Ā > Action Logs.

    This screen displays the list of actions scheduledĀ for an Agent.