Components of EDI Accelerator

Components of the EDI Accelerator are used to process data. They are as follows:

  • Process Flows
  • Activities
  • EDI X12 V 4010 Data Dictionary
  • EDI HIPAA 005010X221A1 Data Dictionary
  • EDIFACT D96A Data Dictionary


These objects belong to EDISolutionUser. Default password of EDISolutionUser is ediuser123. You should not edit these components.

EDI Accelerator also has sample activities related to EDI (i.e. Trading Partner, Inbound and Outbound Relationship, Schema and Mapping etc). You can use these activities as guidelines and make copies to create your own activities. These sample objects belong to EDIUser. Default Password of EDIUser is ediuser123.
Apart from these objects, this accelerator also has sample activities to demonstrate the processing of non-EDI files. These sample objects belongs to B2BUser. Default password of B2BUser is indigo1.