Viewing AS2 Logs

Viewing AS2 Logs

Adeptia Suite maintains AS2 logs within its interface, that is, data logs exchanged through AS2 (Applicability Statement 2). Thus, avoiding switch among multiple screens.  

Steps to View AS2 Logs

  1. On the Monitor tab, click History > AS2 Logs.

  2. By default, today's logs are displayed with limited columns. 

  3. To customize the columns, move the mouse pointer on any column header, click down arrow  and then click Columns.
  4. Select the columns as required. Adeptia Suite then customize logs based on the selected columns.

  5. You can also filter AS2 logs based on the Quick or Advanced search options.
    1. In the Quick Search text box, type the word or phrase to filter the logs (for example, file name), and then click . You can also type wildcard characters in your search criteria.
    2. In the Advanced Search (), select the category of logs (Current or Archived).
    3. Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time from the From and To boxes..
    4. To search the logs based on their status (Failed or Successful), select the option from the Status drop-down list box..

    5. Click Search. The log information for the selected time interval is displayed.