Creating a Process Model

A process model is a set of activities arranged in a sequence to perform a specific task(s).

To explain the process simulation functionality, we will use the Claims Management process model example. The Claims Management process flow first verifies the claim that has been requested. For example, you have filed a claim for loss of vehicle. The process model, first verifies whether the claim is valid or not. Next, it has a decision node which validates the claim. If the claim is valid, then it sends it to the Claim

Handler, who enters the claim request in the Claim System and reviews the claim request. Then a decision node is used to check the review. If it is ok, then it is sent to the Claim Specialist to set the Reserve for the claim and process the claim. A decision node is added to check if Subrogation is required. If no, then it is sent to Call Center Representative, who updates the Claim System and notifies the customer. Else, if subrogation is required, then it is sent to the Subrogation Expert who conducts the Subrogation sub-process and then sends it to the Call Center Representative.

A sample process model for this scenario is provided with Adeptia Modeler. You can click on File > Open > ClaimsManagement_Sample to open and view this process model.