Preferences in Web Mapper

The "Preferences" menu helps you configure your mapping based on your preferences. For example, you can:

  • Configure what you want to have in the output XML.
  • Add, view, edit, and remove Namespace in the XSL,
  • Enable or disable streaming, 
  • Optimize the loading of the layout, 
  • Enable DB Query caching, etc.

To access the Preferences menu, click the (Open) icon on the Toolbar, and then select Preferences

As you click Preferences, the following screen appears having different options.

Setting your preferences

You can configure your mapping based on your preferences by using the following options on the "Preferences" screen.


Select Output to configure the following set of preferences under it.

Filter Unmapped Elements 

Select this checkbox if you want to remove the unmapped elements from the output XML.

Filter Empty Elements 

Select this checkbox if you want to remove the empty elements from the output XML.

Indent Output XML 

Select this checkbox if you want the output XML to have indentation in it.

Exclude Result Prefixes

Enter a namespace prefix in the Exclude Result Prefixes field if you do not want that to be automatically added to the output XML.

To exclude more than one namespace prefixes, enter the namespace prefixes separated by a white space.


The Namespaces option on the Preferences screen allows you to add, view, edit, and remove a namespace in the XSL. All the namespaces present in the source and destination XSDs are automatically placed in the generated XSL.

To add a namespace, click Add Row, and enter the namespace, for example, xmlns:oa="http:/ /".


Select XSL to view the set of preferences under it.

XSL VersionSelect a version for the mapping XSLT (XSL Transformation). The available versions are, Version 1.1, Version 2.0, and Version 3.0.
XSL Transformer

Adeptia Connect provides two XSLT processors for transforming data mapping activity – Saxon and Xalan. By default, Web Mapper selects the Saxon transformer to transform your new mapping activity. You can select either of the transformers based on your requirement.

Before you select an XSL Transformer, consider the followings:

  • Xalan transformer is supported only in XSL Version 1.1.
  • Saxon transformer is much faster than Xalan.

To know more on what may be the impacts of switching from Saxon to Xalan and vice-versa, and what you need to do before doing this, refer to Configuring XSLT Transformer page.

Streaming Mode

Streaming is useful while working with large sized files or documents. Streaming processes files by streaming the part of a file rather than loading the whole file into memory. By default, streaming is disabled in the mapping. Select the Streaming Mode checkbox to enable streaming to process large sized files while mapping Source and Destination elements. While you select 'Streaming Mode' checkbox, an alert message is displayed with a link to documentation. Follow the link to check if your mapping follows the mapping rules. If yes, then click 'OK' to enable streaming. Before you enable streaming, you must follow the streaming guidelines.

Streaming is supported only if the following conditions are met:

  • You have the license that supports streaming.
  • You have selected XSL Version 3.0 and Saxon as the XSL Transformer.

XML Layout

In the event of having a large XML layout to be loaded as a Source or Destination while creating a mapping, it may take a lot more time than expected. In this case, you may need to optimize the loading of the layout. By default, the loading of an XML layout is configured to be optimized in Web Mapper. 

When you optimize the loading of the layout, it means it processes only the root level element, not the complete XSD, if the XSD is complex. When you expand the hierarchy elements, it processes child elements and loads them into memory. The hierarchy elements expansion is now displayed in the Web Mapper. With default settings, it optimizes the processing of XML layouts and loads the XSD elements up to 3 levels in the source and destination panels. You need to click a hierarchy element to load its child elements.

The following table describes all the configurations for optimizing the loading of XML Layout in the mapping.

  • Optimization of layout loading is only applicable on XML layouts that are created using the XSDs.
  • Before you start optimization, ensure that all the source and destination layouts are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  • Check for the optimization settings before you start loading the layouts. It should be as per the default settings.
  • You can change the optimization settings even when you are in the middle of mapping the fields. To implement the changes, save the data mapping and open it again in edit mode to work on it.
On demand (optimized) loading of XML Layout TreeSelect this checkbox to enable the optimization of layout loading.
Tree expand level

In this field, set the value based on your requirements to define the hierarchy level up to which the Source and Destination files will be displayed for the layouts in the Web Data Mapper. By default, the value is set to 3.

You will be able to enter a value for this field only when you select On demand (optimized) loading of XML Layout Tree checkbox.
Cache Included Schemas

Select this checkbox to set whether or not to cache the included XML schemas, instead of inlining them as specified by the XML schema specification. This applies to all XML Layouts that use XSDs.

Tree expand level for root hierarchyIn this field, set the value to define the root hierarchy level up to which the Source and Destination files will process the layout to load it into the Web Mapper. By default, the value is set to 5.
Tree expand level for extension elementsIn this field, set the value to define the level up to which extension elements will be loaded when you click a node on the tree. By default, the value is set to 10.
Self recursion level 

In case of a complex element of a specific node type with self recursion defined as 0, it restricts a child element to expand further if it is of the same type of node as that of the parent node. By default, the value is set to 0. You can change the value of the self recursion level based on your requirement. This setting is useful when optimization of loading for XML layout is turned off.

Enable types bufferingSelecting this checkbox helps eliminate the need for processing the same type of elements again as one instance of that type is processed and buffered for further use. By default, this checkbox is selected for the optimization of layout loading. 


Select Miscellaneous to configure the following set of preferences. 

Data Viewer Record Count

In this field, set the limit for number of records that will be displayed in the Data Viewer. By default, a maximum of 50 records are displayed in the Data Viewer.

When you change the value for this field, you need to reattach the source file in Data Viewer.
Character Set Encoding

Enter a valid value for this field to define what character set encoding is to be used while parsing the data. The default value for this field is fetched from the Connect Server property abpm.characterSetEncoding. The valid values for this field are UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.

Enable DB Query CachingYou can cache your DB query to reduce the time spent in running the query associated with the mapping. To enable DB Query caching in the Data Mapper, select Enable DB Query Caching checkbox. For more information on DB Query, refer to the Using DB Functions page.
Enable Quick Splitting

Select this checkbox to split the source data and set the Splitter Xpath on the selected source element. Before selecting this checkbox to enable quick splitting, make sure that all the source and destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.

  • Quick splitting splits the records in default numbers. To split into a specific number, you need to set the Splitter Xpath explicitly.
  • Once a Splitter XPath is set for a source element, the letter (S) is displayed next to that source element. This signifies that the source element has been split and the Splitter XPath has been set.


Once you have completed setting all your preferences under different options, you need to click Done on the Preferences screen, and save the mapping to save the changes.