Exposing IdP Metadata to Adeptia Connect

Exposing IdP Metadata to Adeptia Connect

One of the steps to facilitate Single Sign On through SAML is exposing the IdP metadata. Exposing IdP metadata to Adeptia Connect allows the Service Provider to read the details of IdP Server.

To expose the IdP metadata you need to set the value for the environment variable SAML_SSO_IDPS_CONFIGURATION_0_METADATA_LOCATION by using any of the following options given in the table below.

You can find this variable in the portal section of the global values.yaml file.

Variable NamePossible valuesExampleDescription

Complete path of the IdP metadata file including its name.


The IdP metadata file can lie in any folder in the PVC.

classpath:<name of the IdP metadata file>


The IdP metadata file must lie within any classpath folder, for example, ext.

Metadata URL.https://ssocircle.com/metadatametadata URL of the IdP server.