Assign Data Streams

Assign Data Streams

When mapping multiple source and target layout elements, you need to assign streams to the root element of the target layout structures. 

Steps to assign data streams

  1. Ensure that all the source and destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Select the root element of a destination layout structure and select the Assign Stream option. 

  3. The Assign Streams dialog box is displayed.

  4. This dialog box contains the fields listed in the table below. All fields are populated with values.


    Represents the order of occurrence of target schema in the Data Mapper. This field is a read-only field and is automatically populated with value.

    Schema Name

    Represents the name of the schema which includes the root to which the stream is to be assigned. This field is a read-only field and is automatically populated with value.

    Root Element

    Represents the root element to which the stream is to be assigned. This field is a read-only field and is automatically populated with value.

    Stream Name

    Represents the name of the stream to be assigned. This field is automatically populated with value, but is an editable field.



    The root elements, occurrence order and default stream names of all the loaded target schemas are listed in the Assign Streams dialog box. You can edit the stream name.
    It is important to note that the order of streams and the stream names, listed in the Assign Streams dialog box (Mapping) and the Multiple Streams defined in Process Designer should be the same. If you edit a stream name of a mapping activity or add or delete a stream or schema after the activity has already been used in the Process Designer, then you need to update it manually in the Process Designer (Create Multiple Streams section). To know how to use multiple stream in Process Designer, refer to the section Creating Multiple Stream.
  5. Enter the name of the data stream(s) that you want to edit, for the target element(s), in the textbox Stream Name.

    The name of the data stream does not accept special characters and white spaces.
  6. Click Save to assign the stream.

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