Adding Custom XSL

Adding Custom XSL

At times, you may want to add some additional specialized XSL to a target element, or at the top or bottom of the mapping XSL. You can do this by adding custom XSL code. 

Steps to add custom XSL code for a Target Element

  1. Ensure that the source and destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Select the target element, click more icon and then select the Custom XSL Before option.

  3. The Add Custom XSL Before screen is displayed for the target element. Enter the custom XSL code for the target element.

  4. Click Save to save the XSL code and close the screen. 

    Similarly, you can add custom XSL code after a target element, by selecting Custom XSL After option from the more menu.

Steps to add global custom XSL code
  1. Ensure that the source and destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Global Custom XSL Before option.

  3. The Global Custom XSL Before screen is displayed. Enter the global custom XSL code.

  4. Click Save to save the XSL code and close the screen.
    Similarly, you can add global custom XSL code after mapping XSL, by selecting Global Custom XSL After option from the Actions menu.

  5. Once you have entered the custom XSL code, it is saved in the Mapping XSL screen.