Log in to Adeptia Connect with SAML

Log in to Adeptia Connect with SAML

Once you've finished exposing IdP metadata to Adeptia connect and enabled SAML SSO, you're all set to use the SAML SSO for logging in to Adeptia Connect.

If you have implemented ingress in your environment and are using SAML SSO for logging in to Adeptia Connect, you need to provide the ingress URL in the GATEWAY_SERVICE_URL environment variable.

Perform the following steps to log in to Adeptia Connect.

  1. Open the browser, and enter the URL in the format:

  2. Depending upon the IdP server that you're using, the login page appears. For example, the screen below depicts the login page of SSOCircle IdP.

  3. Type the user name and password in the respective fields.
  4. Click Log In.
  5. After the successful authentication, you will be redirected to Adeptia Connect home page.

There are two types of logout available when you use Adeptia Connect with SAML:

  • Local logout 
  • Global logout

Local logout terminates user session from Adeptia Connect and redirects you to the Adeptia Connect Login screen, whereas global logout terminates user session from Adeptia Connect and IdP Server that you are using, and redirects you to IdP login screen.