Exposing metadata of multiple SAML IdP

Exposing metadata of multiple SAML IdP

This page helps you in exposing the metadata of multiple Identity Providers to Adeptia Connect. The steps may vary for different IdPs (e.g. SSO Circle, Keycloak, Okta, etc.). For a clustered set up, you can repeat the steps given in every node of the environment.

Exposing multiple IdP Metadata in Adeptia Connect

Follow the steps given below to expose multiple IdP metadata.

  1. Download the IdP servers' metadata files from different Identity Providers.
  2. Give a unique number to each file name, starting with idp_.xml. For example, idp_1.xml, idp_2.xml, etc. 
  3. Create environment variables to store the path of each idp xml file.

    Note: The name of each environment variable must contain the number part in incremental fashion, for example, SAML_SSO_IDPS_CONFIGURATION_0_METADATA_LOCATION, SAML_SSO_IDPS_CONFIGURATION_1_METADATA_LOCATION, etc.

    For more information on how to create an environment variable on Windows or Linux, refer to this page.

Configure IDP Initiated SSO

Open the browser and type the below URL using IDP initiated SSO (for SSO Circle).

For Example, https://<IDP Server Host>/sso/idpssoinit?metaAlias=/publicidp&spEntityID=<value of SP entity Id>

spEntityID is the name that is specified in the metadata of your service provider.

In case of multiple IdP providers, the log out from SAML will happen only through the provider that has been set up as default. Even if you logout from a secondary provider, the log-out call will be directed to the default provider only.

Next step

Log in to Adeptia Connect with SAML