Creating a Web Form
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Shruti Pasayat
Ashhad Alam
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Publish your form by adding controls, customizing their appearance and layout, and adding rules affecting the behavior of the form.
You can also publish a Web Form using a customized web page. You need to deploy the customized web page on the same server where Adeptia Connect is deployed to use it in Adeptia Connect.
After publishing a Web Form, you can grant an access to the form to your Partners and also you can use the form as a Source while creating a Template.
Before publishing a Web Form, you must ensure that you have:
- Designed a Web Form using Sencha Architect.
- Configured the steps to access Web Forms in Adeptia Connect.
Follow these steps to publish a Web Form in Adeptia Connect:
- Click Configure > Web Forms > PUBLISH Web Form.
- On the Publish Web Form screen, provide a unique Web Form name and brief description.
- Select the type of form you want to publish from the Select Type - Web Page and Transaction/Template
Web Page: Select this option to use web form as a submenu in the existing tabs.
Transaction/Template: Select this option to use web form in a Template or Transaction. Depending on the chosen form type, the next step differs. If you have selected Web Page then you need to design the form. However, if you have selected Transaction/Template option then you need to provide the relative URL of the custom web page.
Web PageProvide the relative URL of the Web Page in the Web Page URL.
Transaction/TemplateProvide the relative URL of the Web Page in the Transaction/Template Page URL.
If you have selected Web Page as a form type, Define Navigation will appear.
Select whether you are creating this form for the Company or for Partner.
Option Name Description For company Only Company can access this form. For partner Only Partners can access this form. On selecting this option, you need to select the Network. Only Partners of the selected Network can be granted an access to this form. Select the place where you want the form from the Navigation Path. Depending upon the chosen navigation, the form will appear as a submenu on the selected screen.
Navigation Path Description Partner Adds as a new menu option in the Partners tab. Transaction Adds as a new menu option in the Transaction tab. Dashboard Adds as a new menu option in the Dashboard tab. My Solutions Creates a new tab (My Solutions) automatically before the Partners tab. Publish as Link Generates a URL to access Web Form. Action Select this option to publish Web Form in More action of the selected pages. The options differ depending on the chosen option (For company or For partner).
You can publish the Web form to More action of the listed activities in Dashboard, Advanced Text Layout, Advanced Text Layout, Excel Layout, Positional Layout, and Text Layout by selecting Action as Navigation path.If you have selected the Navigation Path as Action, select the pages in the Select Section(s)/Page(s) field to publish the Web Form in More action of selected pages.
You can select number of pages to publish the Web Form to More action.- You can open the Web Form by clicking the link in More action of any activities of the particular page. For example, published the web form 'CustomWebForm' in Dashboard.
- Type the name in the Link Name. The form will appear with this specified name as a new menu option in the selected Navigation Path.
For instance, if you have selected Partner in the Navigation Path and Partner Details as a Link Name then Partner Details will be displayed as a new menu option in the Partners tab.
Select the project in the Select Project field.
By default, the Select Project field displays the default project of the logged-in user as the selected project.- Click Save.
Click Yes, turn On when prompted to confirm to activate the form.
This creates and activates your web form.