Creating an Outbound EDI Transaction

Creating an Outbound EDI Transaction

You can create an EDI transaction by using prebuilt EDI Template bundled with Connect. Use this template to create an EDI Outbound Transaction.
Before you start creating, ensure that you have created an EDI Partner and Data Dictionary.

To create an EDI Outbound Transaction:

  1. Click Transactions Templates.
  2. On the Templates screen, search EDI Outbound in the Search bar.

  3. Click  for the EDI Outbound Template to create an EDI Transaction. 
  4. Connect automatically populates the name and description for the Transaction, you can edit the name and description, if necessary. 

  5. Click Continue to define the Network and Partner.

  6. Choose the Network and Partner from the list. Only EDI Partners will be populated in the Partner field. 

    To select multiple Networks, click on the networks one by one. 

  7. Click Next to define the EDI Configuration.

  8. On the EDI Configuration window, do the following:

    1. Select the EDI standard in the EDI Standard field. The available options are X12, HIPAA, and EDIFACT. 

    2. Select the version in the EDI Standard Version field. This list will have all the EDI versions you have created in the Data Dictionary. You will find 004010, 005010, and EDIFACT_D96A as a default EDI version.
    3. Provide the assigned code in the Association Assigned Code text box. 
    4. On the basis of the selected EDI version, the list of transaction set codes is populated in the Transaction Set Code field. Select the code in the field.
    5. Select the indicator in the Test/Production Indicator field. The available options are T-Test and P-Production. 

    6. Select the option in the Expect Acknowledgement field. Select Yes to receive an acknowledgment for the outbound messages sent.

    7. Provide the number of hours elapse before an expected functional acknowledgment is considered as overdue in the Hours Overdue text box.

      To receive an acknowledgment for the outbound messages sent, you need to create an EDI Inbound Transaction using 997 Transaction Set Code. While creating an EDI Inbound Transaction, following fields must have the same values provided while creating EDI Outbound Transaction.

      • Partner Name
      • EDI Standard Version
      • Association Assigned Code
      • Test/Production Indicator

      After you have selected the values in the above fields, select 997 in the Transaction Set Code. When you select 997 in the Transaction Set Code, an Acknowledgment Processing Type field appears. Following are the available options:

      ReconcileSend acknowledgment for receiving the acknowledgment of an outbound message sent.
      TransformTransform 997 EDI Transaction Set Code to another EDI Transaction Set Code.


      Send acknowledgment for receiving the acknowledgment of an outbound message sent and transform
      997 EDI Transaction Set Code to another EDI Transaction Set Code.



    8. Select Use Global Transaction Control No check box to use the control number defined while adding a Partner.

    9. Type the last used transaction control number in the Last used Transaction Control No text box. The value is populated automatically based on the selected Transaction Set Code defined in Step d.
    10. The value in the Responsible Agency Code is populated automatically based on the Transaction Set Code you have selected.
    11. Select Compliance Check check box to execute a compliance check on your document. 
    12. In the Data encryption at rest field, select either of the following options.



      Use Global PolicySelect 'Use Global Policy' to use Global Property value for Template.
      YesSelect 'Yes' to enable EAR for Template. It will not use Global Property value.
      NoSelect 'No' to disable EAR for Template. It will not use Global Property value.
    13. Select the mode of transfer in the Batch Mode field. Select Yes to generate the multiple group
      segments within a single ISA and define the schedule for the batch process to send the outbound EDI message at defined intervals to the Partner. 

      A Generate Multiple Groups check box appears, select this checkbox to generate the multiple group segments within a single ISA. This is only applicable when Batch Mode is selected as Yes.

      Schedule list appears. Click  to create a Calendar Event. On the Calendar Event window:

      1. Provide the name and description of the Calendar Event in the text boxes.
      2. Select the date from which Calendar event will start and stop triggering in the Event Start Date and Event Expiry Date. Click  to select the date from the calendar. The date must be in MM/dd/yyyy format. 
      3. Select the start and expiry time in the Time field.
      4. Select the days of the week on which the event should fire in the Firing Days field. Following are the available options:


        All Days

        The event will fire on all days (Mon to Sun) of the week.

        Business Days

        The event will fire from Monday to Friday excluding holidays.

        Week Days

        The event will fire from Monday to Friday even if there are any holidays.

      5. Define the frequency of execution in the Firing Schedule. You need to define the frequency using Cron Expression. Click Help to know more about Cron Expressions. 

        • It is mandatory to define the first cron expression, if you have selected cron as a Trigger type. For example, if you have set a Calender Event to run every 5 minutes from Monday to Sunday, you can set the cron expression as "0 0/5 * ? * MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT * ".
        • You may make use of the second cron expression to define another condition or address a condition supplementary to the first one. For example, if you have set a Calender Event to run every 5 minutes from Monday to Sunday, but do not want the same event to run from 12 AM to 12 PM on Sundays, the second cron expression can be defined as "0 0/5 13-23? * SUN * ". 
        • The firing schedule you define in the second cron expression must not overlap the one defined in the first cron expression.
    14. Select Content Based Routing check box to select the Partner (to send the data) based on the content of the outbound source file. For example, based on the value of a particular field of the source file you want to decide to which Partner outbound message should be sent. Content-based routing is used when data of one source file should go to the multiple Partners.
    15. Expand Group Envelope Properties.
      1. The value in the Functional ID is populated automatically based on the Transaction Set Code you have selected.
      2. Provide the Sender ID and Receiver ID in the text boxes.
      3. Select the Use Global Control No check box to use the group control number defined while adding a Partner.
      4. Type the last used group control number in the Last Used Control Number text box. 

      5. The value in the Responsible Agency Code and Envelope Version are populated automatically based on the Transaction Set Code you have selected.
      6. Select the Sequence from Group check box to follow the same sequence of the group. On selecting the check box, Format list appears. Select the format of the control number in the Format field.
    16. Expand ISA Envelope Properties.
      1. Click  to create the new one. The Create EDI ISA Envelope window appears.

      2. Type the name and description for the ISA Outbound Envelope activity in the Name and Description text boxes.
      3. Type the value in the Authorization code qualifier,default is 00. This is a required field with a maximum of two characters.
      4. Type the code in the Authorization codeThis is an optional alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 10 characters.
      5. Type the value in the Security code qualifier,default is 00. This is a required field with a maximum of two characters.
      6. Type the code in the Security codeThis is an optional alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 10 characters.
      7. Type the value in the Interchange SenderID qualifier. This is a required field with a maximum of two characters.
      8. Type the code in the Interchange SenderIDThis is an alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 15 characters.
      9. Type the value in the Interchange ReceiverID qualifier. This is a required field with a maximum of two characters.
      10. Type the code in the Interchange ReceiverIDThis is an alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 15 characters.
      11. Type the code in the Interchange Standards Identifier. This is a required field with a maximum of one character.
      12. Select the version from the Interchange VersionID.
      13. Select Use Global Interchange Control No check box to use the interchange control number defined in the outbound Partner of this ISA outbound envelope activity. 
      14. Type the control number in the Interchange Control No. This is a required field with a maximum of nine characters.
      15. Select Yes in the Acknowledgement field to receive an acknowledgment for the messages sent.
      16. Select the indicator in the Test/Production Indicator field. 
      17. Provide the required separator in the Element Separator and Sub-element Separator. Select Hex Format check box for the hexadecimal values.  
      18. Provide the single separator in the Segment Terminator. Select Hex Format check box for the hexadecimal values. This character indicates the end of an EDI segment. In an X12 interchange, the segment terminator is defined as the character in the last character position of the ISA segment. 
      19. Provide the single separator in the Repetition Separator. Select Hex Format check box for the hexadecimal values.The repetition separator is used to separate segments that repeat within a transaction set.
      20. Select an appropriate segment line break from the Segment line break text box to display your EDI file data in a block format. Following are the available options:

        Option NameDescription

        CR-Carriage Return

        Appends a \n as segment terminator.

        LF-Line Feed

        Appends a \r as segment terminator.

        CR LF-Carriage Return/Line Feed

        Appends a \r\n as segment terminator.

      21. Select a project to associate your activity in the Project field.
      22. Click Save.

  9. Click Next to go to Transaction Settings step.

  10. On the Transaction Settings screen, do the followings:

    1. Enter the details as described in the following table.

      Field NameDescription

      Contact User

      Email id(s) listed here will receive a notification email whenever the Transaction is executed successfully or if there is an error during execution. Multiple email ids are separated by comma.

      If Adeptia Connect is running on multiple environments and you want to receive environment name in the emails, then you need to specify the environment name in the relevant property (Account > Settings > Server Nodes Settings > Systems > Personalization).

      When to notify the contact user thru email?

      Always: Send an email whenever a Transaction executes.

      On Error: Send an email if an error occurred during the execution of the Transaction.

      Do Not Notify: Select this option if you do not want to receive an email notification for Transaction execution.

      Email Notification FormatThis field is visible only when you have selected Always or On Error option to send the notification to the user.

      Select the email notification format that you want to use for notification emails sent to the user for successful and failed transaction.

      : If you select Default, the system will use the default email notification format.
      Customized Notification Format
      : If you select this option, a Custom Error Notification Format field appears. In this field, you can select an existing custom email notification format or create a new one, and use it for email notifications.
    2. Expand Advanced Settings to set the Repository File RetentionThe available options are DONT DELETE, DELETE, DELETE ON SUCCESS, and DELETE ON SUCCESS EXCEPT SOURCE DATA. To learn more about these options, refer to this page.

      To learn more about these options, refer to this page.

      If you hide the Transaction Settings page using Select the steps which you want to hide at the time of Transaction creation option from the Settings screen while creating a Template, default value will be set for the Repository File Retention field for this Transaction. 

  11. Click Next to define the Source application.

  12. Select FTP as the source application. The supported applications are Database, File, FTP, and JMS. 

  13. Click Next. 

    For Database, you need to define the Database Source and Database Event. For more information, click here.

    For FTP, you need to select a trigger, and FTP Account. You can either use an existing account or create a new one. 

    For File, you need to define the File Event. For more information, click here.

    For JMS, you need to define the JMS Event. For more information, click here.

  14. On the Select File Location screen, provide the information described in the table below.

    Field Name


    Folder LocationFolder location from where to pick files.
    Process all the existing records/filesTo process all the existing files from the specified location.
    Send mail notification for no data on triggerSelecting this option will send the mail notification whenever there is no data found on trigger.
    Send mail notification for error on triggerSelecting this option will send the mail notification whenever there is an error on trigger.
    Delete file on successDelete the file once it is processed.
    File typeFile format to process the files. Multiple file formats are separated by a comma. Use *.* to process all file formats.
    File excludeType the file format to exclude the file type while transaction is running. Multiple file formats are separated by a comma. For example if you want to exclude text files from the FTP location, type .txt in the field.
    Trigger Type

    You can set trigger through POLLING and CRON EXPRESSION.

    POLLING: The time interval during which the Transaction triggers. By default, Transaction triggers after every 10 minutes. Select No polling option to trigger Transaction manually.

    CRON EXPRESSION: Define the specific time schedule for the Transaction to trigger. For more information on how to define Cron Expression, click here.

    • It is mandatory to define the first Cron Expression, if you have selected Cron as a Trigger type. For example, if you have set a FTP Event to run every 5 minutes from Monday to Sunday, you can set the Cron Expression as "0 0/5 * ? * MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT * ".
    • You may make use of the second Cron Expression to define another condition or address a condition supplementary to the first one. For example, if you have set a FTP Event to run every 5 minutes from Monday to Sunday, but do not want the same event to run from 12 AM to 12 PM on Sundays, the second Cron Expression can be defined as "0 0/5 13-23? * SUN * ". 
    • The firing schedule you define in the second cron expression must not overlap the one defined in the first cron expression.
    File Stable Time

    Provide the waiting time (for the file to become stable) after which the trigger happens. For example, if you choose 30 Seconds in the stable time then system will wait for 30 seconds for the file to go stable before it triggers the transaction.  

    This option is applicable for On File Created and On File Modified Trigger Type. The trigger will wait for the specified time for the file to become stable.

  15. Click Next to define the source format and layout. This screen appears only for FTP and File Source applications.

  16. Select the source data format and source data layout for the Source application. Source data format is the format in which the data of the source file exists, for example, text, excel. Source data layout is the layout of the source file. You can either use the existing layout or create a new layout. To create a new layout, click 

  17. Click Next to define the encryption. This screen appears only for FTP and File Source applications.

  18. Select the Is Source File Encrypted? check box if the source file is in the encrypted form. On selecting the check box, you need to provide the key details. 

    Field NameDescription
    Key ManagerSelect the Key Manager from the list. To create a Key Manager, visit Account > Security Settings. To create a Key Manager, click here.
    Key NameThe default value is the default.
    Private Key PasswordPassword of the key.
    Confirm PasswordConfirm the password of the key.
  19. Click Next to select the destination application. The supported applications are File, FTP, JMS, and Spazio MFT/s.


  20. Click Next. The next screen differs depending upon the chosen Destination application.

    For FTP, you need to select the action, FTP Account, and configuration details. For more information, click here.

    For File, you need to define the LAN Target. For more information, click here.

    For JMS, you need to define the JMS Target. For more information, click here.

    For Spazio MFT/s, you need to define the Spazio MFT Target. For more information, click here.

  21. Click Next to define the file generation policy details. This screen appears only for FTP and File Destination applications.

  22. Provide the details in the corresponding fields.

    1. Browse to and select the file.
    2. Type the name of the destination file in the File Name text box to define the pattern of destination file name. In case, you want the destination file name to be same as the source file name, type $$baseInputFileName$$ as a value in the File Name text box. File Name can contain date-time stamp followed by % in the format: File_Name%%dd-mm-yy_hhmmssSS%%. For example,  test_output%%01-01-2016_15-15-23%%.
    3. Select Add Time Stamp check box to add the time stamp in the file. Select the date and time format from the Time Stamp Format field. This appends the selected date and time stamp in the name of the newly created file.

    4. Select the Create Unique File check box to have a unique name in each destination file created. When this option is selected, a unique number is appended to the file name.

    5. Type the extension of the file in the File Extension text box.

  23. Click Next to define the encryption. This screen appears only for FTP and File Destination applications.
  24. Select Want to encrypt target file? check box if you want to encrypt the destination file. On selecting the check box, new fields appear. Provide the details in the corresponding fields and click Next.

  25. Click Next to define the routing. This screen appears if you have selected Content Based Routing check box while defining EDI settings.
  26. Provide the details in the fields. 

  27. Click Next to take the backup of target file as an archive file at runtime.
  28. At Create Archive File step, select the Create Archive File (Optional) checkbox. This option will create an archive of the target file in the Archive folder for future access.

    1. Type the folder name to archive the data in the Archive Folder Name. The Transaction will create an archive of the generated output files in the specified folder and location.

      You need to set the archival folder path in the abpm.solution.b2b.archive.basepath property (Administer > Update System Properties > Solution Properties > EDI Solution Properties > Default B2B Archiving Policy). 

      You may also use a context variable to provide a value for theArchive Folder Namefield in the following manner:
      In the Archive Folder Name field, enter the path (where you want to keep the archive folder) followed by $$PARTNER_NAME$$ as shown in the following example.

      where $$PARTNER_NAME$$ is a predefined Context Variable that holds the name of the partner who runs the Transaction, and the archive folder is created with this partner's name.

    2. Click Auto Organised Archive Folder Based On Date checkbox to create folders in the format YYYY/MM/DD to the folder specified in the Archive Folder Name.
    3. Click Add Archive File Time Stamp checkbox to add a time stamp to the archive files.

    4. On clicking the check box, Time Stamp Format field appears. Select the date and time format.  

  29. Click Next to define the mapping.
  30. Define the mapping between the fields of the selected source and the destination application. 
  31. Click Save & Exit to save the Transaction.

    This creates the Transaction and is listed in the Transactions screen.


    Activating a Transaction

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