Using Run Now feature
The Run Now option is a manual way to execute a Transaction when required. This option is available for both activated and deactivated Transactions/Templates based on where you define the Source, in the Template or the Transaction.
If you select LAN file as a source, and the File Event associated with it has the Trigger Type as On FileCreated, On FileModified, the Run Now feature will not work in case either the template, transaction, or both are not in active state (turned off).
The Run Now option is available in:
The Template if you define the Source in that Template.
The Transaction if you define the Source in that Transaction.
When you click Run Now, Adeptia Connect starts looking for the files based on the criteria you define while creating the Template/Transaction. If the application finds a file that meets the defined criteria, it starts processing the data immediately.
To run a Transaction using Run Now feature when the Source is defined in the Template:
Go to Configure > Templates > > Run Now
To run a Transaction using Run Now feature when the Source is defined in the Transaction:
Go to Transactions > Transactions > > Run Now
You can view the details of the execution of the Transaction from the Dashboard.